NASTF: Mercedes Benz DAS4 replacement key ordering process now available

Aug. 2, 2022
The process differs somewhat from other TRP processes.
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The National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) has announced that the Mercedes Benz DAS4 replacement key ordering process is now available. Mercedes Benz has published a full video walk through of the ordering process for replacement DAS4 keys. The video details Mercedes Benz's requirements when using NASTF SDRM to complete the Theft Relevant Part (TRP) customer authorization and component order D1.

After providing the customer and vehicle’s information, the Vehicle Service Professional (VSP) will choose their servicing Mercedes Benz dealer to complete the order. You can apply to NASTF’s VSP program on its website, which allows access to security-related information while protecting the safety and security of consumers and the integrity of automobile security systems.

"The key ordering process is new to the NASTF TRP, and the Mercedes Benz Global TRP program and differs somewhat from other TRP processes," NASTF said in a release. "This video will save you time and ease the process with the dealership."

Visti to view the training.

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