The Redline Detection Easy Intake is an inflatable block off bladder with a pressurized vapor pass-through that allows technicians to test an entire intake or exhaust systems quickly and easily. Easy Intake can be used with any brand of smoke machine or diagnostic leak detector to block-off the system with its inflatable bladder and pressurize the system with vapor through the pass-through to accurately locate leaks and find additional repair jobs. OEM-approved, the Easy Intake features a patented block-off bladder that conforms to any shape intake / exhaust: Round, oval, square, rectangular and even severely angled and hard to reach intake / exhaust systems, while allowing vapor to pass through for fast diagnostics. Compatible with any smoke machine, Easy Intake fits all automobiles, including light to medium duty trucks, to quickly leak test the integrity of the entire induction system with one simple procedure. Made in the U.S.A.