The industry estimates that up to 80% of the vehicles on the road have underperforming shocks and struts. How many vehicles leave your shop in a week? How many of them are capable of handling and performing like they did when they left the factory?
Motor Age's Technical Editor, Brandon Steckler and new Technical Content and Multimedia Director, Erik Screeden join forces to bring you quality automotive video content that is applicable in the work...
In this episode of Mastering Diagnostics, Motor Age Technical Editor Brandon Steckler walks you through the operation of the classic Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor.
The Lisle Electrical Disconnect Pliers are one of this year’s highest-scoring winners. The pliers are designed to easily remove locking push tab style electrical connectors found on mass air flow sensors...
EVAP system leak diagnosis was simple when leaks are large but with today's stringent leak detection requirements, the Digital Dual Smoke Machine from Master Cool makes light work of them!