Carbide Technology

Buzzards Bay, MA 02532


About Carbide Technology


PO Box 281
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532

More Info on Carbide Technology

Manufacturer of brake lathe parts and accessories

Products & Press Releases

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Training Products and Tools

Round Carbide Bits Brochure

Feb. 26, 2008
According to Carbide Technology's brochure, their Round Carbide Bits cut rotors five times faster, saving time and money. The brochure expands on the Round Carbide Bits' benefits...
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Training Products and Tools

Quality Brake Lathe Parts And Accessories pamphlet

Feb. 26, 2008
Carbide Technology highlights round carbide bits and their benefits in their Quality Brake Lathe Parts And Accessories pamphlet. The pamphlet also includes rotor silencer belts...
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Brake Service and Tools

brake lathe cutting bits and accessories

Feb. 26, 2008
Carbide Technology's full line of quality brake lathe cutting bits and accessories include specialty products such as cutting bits for all lathes with custom grinding, silencer...


Jeff Beach

Sales Manager

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