National-Spencer, Inc.

Wichita, KS 67201


About National-Spencer, Inc.


PO Box 57
Wichita, KS 67201

More Info on National-Spencer, Inc.

Manufacturer and distributor of lubrication and dispensing equipment for oils, fuels, and chemicals.

Products & Press Releases

912 19 Red 11612354
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

Cordless Lithium-Powered Grease Gun, No. 912-19L

Aug. 6, 2014
The National-Spencer Cordless Lithium-Powered Grease Gun, No. 912-19L, has a 14.5 oz resevoir tube and offers a high-pressure delivery of 8,500 psi with a high-flow rate of 4....
12V DC electric gear pump, No. 925
Engine and Powertrain

12V DC electric gear pump, No. 925

April 10, 2013
National Spencer’s 12V DC electric gear pump, No. 925, can dispense fluids at a rate of 15 gal per minute. The pump features aluminum die-cast construction, 1” NPT inlet, 3/4”...
Greasegunbarrelwarmer 10105758
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

Grease Gun Barrel Warmer

June 15, 2009
The National-Spencer 12V grease gun barrel warmer will work on almost any grease gun barrel. This barrel warmer works on cordless guns, including National-Spencer's 19V grease...
91219isa19 10101174
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

912-19 is a 19.2-volt heavy-duty cordless grease gun

April 9, 2008
National-Spencer's 912-19 is a 19.2-volt heavy-duty cordless grease gun with two 1500mAh Ni-Cd batteries, a charger and a 30" whip hose with an easy-secure holster attached to...
Zeelinelubricationequipmentcatalog 10099297
Training Products and Tools

Zee Line Lubrication Equipment catalog

Feb. 26, 2008
National-Spencer offers knowledge of their Zee Line lubrication equipment in a catalog with product photos, features, specifications, diagrams, options and applications. The catalog...
Zeelitegreasefittingilluminator 10099295
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

ZEE LITE grease fitting illuminator

Feb. 26, 2008
National-Spencer introduces the ZEE LITE that is designed for use in grease gun applications and allows the technician to illuminate grease fittings and frees up both hands for...
Zeelinelubepump 10124647
Product Guide

Zee Line Lube Pump

June 25, 2007
National-Spencer, Inc. offers the new Zee Line Pump for use with 5 through 6 1/2 gallon open head pails. The Model 321 Lube Pump offers variable flow rates from 1 ounce per stroke...
Digitalpresetmeter 10124691
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Digital Preset Meter

June 25, 2007
National-Spencer, Inc. offers the model 1522 Zee Line Digital Preset Meter for dispensing and measuring oils, antifreeze, automatic transmission fluid, and gear lube.
Zeelineuniversaldrumwrench 10124760
Cordless Tools

Zee Line Universal Drum Wrench

June 25, 2007
National-Spencer introduces the Zee Line Universal Drum Wrench for use on both metal and plastic drums. The powder-coated steel construction and spoke design allows more torque...
Oilpump 10124561
Specialty Tools

Oil Pump

June 25, 2007
the new model 1737 Zee Line 1:1 Ratio Style Oil Pump from National-Spencer, Inc. is ideal for use with oils and noncorrosive liquids. Fits drums and tanks with a 2 inch bung opening...


Sam Goode

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All content from National-Spencer, Inc.

Handpump 10124603
Product Guide

Hand Pump

June 25, 2007
National-Spencer, Inc. offers the durable Zee Line Hand Pump for use with 15 to 55 gallon drums. variable flow rates from 9.6 ounces per stroke to 15 ounces per stroke Economical...
Partswasher 10124607
Product Guide

Parts Washer

June 25, 2007
the model PW-005 Zee Line Parts Washer from National-Spencer Inc. is ideal for removing particles, soil, or other impurities from mechanical parts. 5 gallon capacity 3 1/2 gallon...
Nsdiamondselectionraasmreels 10125016
Hoses and Reels

N-S Diamond Selection RAASM Reels

June 25, 2007
National-Spencer, Inc. introduces the RAASM Model 1461 Open Hose Reel and Model 1459 Closed Reel, part of the National-Spencer Diamond Selection. The Model 1461 Open Hose Reel...
Zeelinemodel5265portableoildispensingsystem 10125429
Product Guide

Zee Line Model 5265 Portable Oil Dispensing System

June 25, 2007
The new Zee Line Model 5265 Portable Oil Dispensing System from National-Spencer, Inc., is ideal for dispensing oils in virtually any environment. The Model 5265 features a 17...