
Haverhill, MA 01335


About Pro-Line


10 Avco Rd.
Haverhill, MA 01335

More Info on Pro-Line

The Pro-Line Series offers workstations and workbenches enhanced modularity to maximize production line flexibility and accommodate future needs. Applications range from: production assembly of piece goods at individual or conveyor workstations, diagnosti

Products & Press Releases

Thebasicmodularhorizontalworkbench 10099520
Work Benches and Cabinets

The Basic modular horizontal workbench

Feb. 26, 2008
Pro-Line, a leader in modular ergonomics, offers The Basic, a modular horizontal workbench with a structural steel frame and steel uprights. The Basic provides maximum durability...
Ergolineadjustableheightworkbenches 10099522
Work Benches and Cabinets

Ergo-Line adjustable height workbenches

Feb. 26, 2008
Pro-Line's Heavy Duty Ergo-Line series of adjustable height workbenches are suited for a variety of industrial, assembly, laboratory and manufacturing environments. The workbenches...

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