
Sussex, WI 53089


About SuperFlow


N60 W22700 Silver Spring Dr
Sussex, WI 53089
(262) 252-4301

More Info on SuperFlow

Photo courtesy of SuperFlow
671bccf4f1ac24244db0fa63 Superflow

SuperFlow is a global engineering leader specializing in test and remanufacturing equipment for vehicle drivelines. Since 1972, SuperFlow products have been used daily by performance engine builders, engine and transmission remanufacturers, the U.S. military and allies worldwide, technical schools, race teams, speed shops, universities, and leading automotive manufacturers to produce powerful and efficient vehicles. Our commitment to providing the best products and service at a great value has given us the opportunity to work with some of the most notable companies in the automotive industry.

Products & Press Releases

Obdiidataforwindyn 10106998
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

OBDII data for WinDyn

April 5, 2010
SuperFlow engine and chassis dynamometers are now available with OBDII data integrated into SuperFlow's WinDyn software. The new option allows customers to easily monitor real...
Sf1020superbench 10102996
Engine Service and Repair Tools

SF-1020 SuperBench

Feb. 6, 2009
The SF-1020 SuperBench from SuperFlow measures and records air flow at OEM engineering accuracy, and easily switches to intake or exhaust flow direction. The SF-1020-SB automatically...
Performancebasedbraketestsystempbbt 10100481
Brake Service and Tools

Performance-Based Brake Test System (PBBT)

Feb. 26, 2008
SuperFlow Technologies Group unveils their new self-powered Performance-Based Brake Test System (PBBT), a new brake testing system designed to reduce brake wear, maintenance costs...
Flowcomairflowmeasurementcomputer 10100483
Shop Management and Point of Sale

FlowCom airflow measurement computer

Feb. 26, 2008
FlowCom more user-friendly SuperFlow Technologies Group presents a retooled FlowCom airflow measurement computer which features a new interface, new software and the ability to...
Performancebasedbraketestsystempbbt 10127211
Repair Information Sources

Performance-Based Brake Test System (PBBT)

June 25, 2007
SuperFlow Technologies Group Unveils New Performance-Based Brake Test System (PBBT). PBBT is a new comprehensive performance-based brake testing system designed to reduce brake...
A107torqueconverterbalancer 10128120
Product Guide

A-107 Torque Converter Balancer

June 25, 2007
SuperFlow presents a new, improved TCRS torque converter balancing system. The TCRS A-107 Torque Converter Balancer accommodates virtually all known torque converter models and...

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