Valco Cincinnati Inc.

Cincinnati, OH 45246


About Valco Cincinnati Inc.


411 Circle Freeway Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45246

More Info on Valco Cincinnati Inc.

Valcocincinnatiinc 10095361

Manufacturer of engine assembly chemicals, adhesives, tools, and detailing waxes and polish.

Products & Press Releases

Magicmix 10130916
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Magic Mix

Oct. 29, 2009
Valco Cincinnati Consumer Products' Magic Mix pre-soak cleaning concentrate loosens dirt so it can be rinsed away just like a touchless carwash. The concentrate quickly removes...
Magicmixpresoakcleaningconcentrate 10105848

Magic Mix Pre-Soak Cleaning Concentrate

June 29, 2009
Valco Cincinnati offers the Magic mix Pre-Soak Cleaning Concentrate. This concentrate loosens dirt so it can be rinsed away just like a "touchless carwash." The revolutionary ...
Magicmixpresoakcleaningconcentrate 10130567

Magic Mix Pre-Soak Cleaning Concentrate

June 9, 2009
Valco Cincinnati offers the Magic mix Pre-Soak Cleaning Concentrate. This concentrate loosens dirt so it can be rinsed away just like a "touchless carwash." The revolutionary ...
Tubegrip 10101282
Tool Accessories


May 2, 2008
Valco's patented Tube-Grip maximizes the usage and dispensing of any material packaged in a flexible tube. Tube material can also be dispensed in a wider variety of patterns. ...
Phase2heavydutydetailer 10100701

Phase 2 Heavy-Duty Detailer

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco Cincinnati's new Phase 2 is a heavy-duty Detailer, newly added to the company's line of Magic Mix. Phase 2 is not meant to replace conventional detailers, but go a step ...
Gellubegp 10100709

GelLube GP

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco Cincinnati's GelLube GP is a general-purpose lubricant the company says is superior to even premium motor oil. With a unique penetrating ability, it goes on as a liquid ...
Enginebuilderintroductorystarterpack 10100711
Training Products and Tools

Engine Builder Introductory Starter Pack

Feb. 26, 2008
Start your engines Valco Cincinnati Consumer Products introduces their Engine Builder Introductory Starter Pack. Packs include:Tube-Grip with aluminum siliconeGelLubeEpoxy PuttyAssembly...
Thetubegrip 10100697
Tool Accessories

The Tube Grip

Feb. 26, 2008
The patented Tube-Grip from Valco Cincinnati improves handling and dispensing of any material packaged in a flexible tube and maximizes the usage of all material in the tube, ...
Pneumaticboltcoater 10100703
Specialty Tools

Pneumatic Boltcoater

Feb. 26, 2008
Reduce Waster, Mess And Time Valco Cincinnati introduces their new Pneumatic Boltcoater™ that is designed to apply Hylomar® sealant on bolts, studs, etc. It can be used as a thread...
Perfectpolishcloth 10100713
Product Guide

Perfect Polish Cloth

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco Cincinnati CP, Inc.'s Perfect Polish Cloth is a man-made non-woven non-scratch alternative to micro-fiber, tee shirts, diapers and other rags. Perfect Polish Cloth is super...


Lloyd Sturtevant

Sales Manager

Margaret Meeks

Marketing Manager/Customer Service Manager

Lonnie Purkiser

Sales Manager

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All content from Valco Cincinnati Inc.

Peelertool 10100695

Peeler tool

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco Cincinnati has unveiled their Peeler tool for removing silicone gasket material and other residue. The company feels their new tool is faster than knives or scrapers due...
Sealantdispenser 10100699
Tool Accessories

Sealant Dispenser

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco's new sealant dispenser is a hand-held unit designed to quickly apply HYLOMAR thread sealant directly onto bolt threads. The tool's closet unit design reduces mess and exposure...
Epoxyputty 10100705

Epoxy Putty

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco Cincinnati's Epoxy Putty is a kneadable product that mixes and bonds like putty, while hardening like steel. This product adheres to a wide range of metals, PVC, plastic...
Diamondplatetoolboxpolishingkit 10100707

Diamond Plate Tool Box Polishing Kit

Feb. 26, 2008
Valco Cincinnati introduces the Diamond Plate Tool Box Polishing Kit which contains the company's Magic Mix Metal Polish and Prep Cleaner, "The Lazy Mans Polish" and Wool Polishing...
Sealersandsolvents 10124997

Sealers and Solvents

June 25, 2007
Valco Cincinnati provides engine sealants, adhesives, thread locks, anaerobic gasket replacers, assembly lubricants, antiseize, waxes, polishes, detailers and load securing systems...
Gellubegp 10126572

GelLube GP

June 25, 2007
Valco Cincinnati has added to its line of premier GelLube™ lubricants. GelLube GP is a high-quality, general-purpose lubricant, superior to even premium motor oil. With a unique...
Magicmixmetalpolish 10127001

Magic Mix Metal Polish

June 25, 2007
Magic Mix Metal Polish By Valco delivers shine and protection to aluminum, stainless steel, chrome, gold, silver, copper, brass and magnesium. With Magic Mix Metal Polish, users...
Enginebuilderkit 10128479

Engine Builder Kit

June 25, 2007
The Engine Builder Kit from Valco Cincinnati, Inc. gives you all the assembly chemicals needed to build an engine, transmission, or rear end in a convenient kit.