MGM Brakes

Charlotte, NC 28269


About MGM Brakes


8530 Cliff Cameron Dr
Charlotte, NC 28269
(704) 547-7411
(800) 527-1534
(704) 547-9367

More Info on MGM Brakes

Products & Press Releases

2012ccm Wires 10762913
Chassis / Suspension / Steering

Electronic Brake Monitoring for Air Disc Brakes

Sept. 13, 2012
MGM Brakes’ e.STROKE electronic brake monitoring system for air disc brake applications builds upon the company’s GEN 3 electronics, cabling and diagnostic software and adds a...
Trcombo 0 10162545
Product Guide

Heavy Duty Spring Brakes

July 28, 2010
MGM Brakes’ line of heavy duty spring brakes, featuring Corrosion Fighter Technology, is available in both standard and 3"-long stroke models for commercial vehicles worldwide...
Electronicstrokealertsystem 10129067
Product Guide

Electronic Stroke Alert system

Aug. 7, 2007
The MGM Brakes Electronic Stroke Alert system converts air brake actuator shaft travel into an electronic signal. This signal is monitored and output transmitted to a Chassis ...
Longstrokespringbrakesservicechambers 10125779
Product Guide

Long Stroke Spring Brakes ' Service Chambers

June 25, 2007
Chassis, etc. MGM Brakes Long Stroke Spring Brakes ' Service Chambers TR-LP3 ' LTR-L3 'Long Stroke' spring brake models offer performance benefits over standard stroke brake chambers...


Scott Stimson

Director of Sales

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