Chevron Lubricants

San Ramon, CA 94583


About Chevron Lubricants


6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd.
San Ramon, CA 94583
1-800-LUBE-TEK (800-582-3835)

More Info on Chevron Lubricants

Chevron Logo 10886719

As a leading supplier of lubricants worldwide, Chevron Lubricants continually works to advance the state of lubrication technology, enabling our network of lubrication specialists to deliver the leading-edge products and customized services you need, when you need them. Contact our experts:

Products & Press Releases

Chevron Oil
Engine and Powertrain

Havoline PRO-RS Renewable Full Synthetic Motor Oil

Nov. 10, 2021
Made with 25 percent sustainably sourced plant-based oils
Delo 235253 864 Pail Lr
Chassis / Suspension / Steering

Chevron Delo Synthetic Grease SF

June 1, 2018
Chevron Delo Synthetic Grease SF is a semi-fluid grease specifically engineered for trailer wheel-ends operating in a wide range of conditions. Delo Synthetic Grease SF is manufactured...
Delo 400 XLE 10W 30 57bf06f590ff9

Chevron unveils line of Delo 400 API CK-4 and FA-4 heavy duty motor oils at GATS

Aug. 25, 2016
The company introduces its ISOSYN Advanced Technology, which will be incorporated in the product line when its launched in December.
Chevron Pit Pack 54109d6e1b125
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

PitPack easy-dispense motor oil system

June 30, 2014
The Chevron PitPack easy-dispense motor oil system is designed to help professional motor oil installers more efficiently store and deliver oil to customer vehicles and can reduce...
Delorheavydutyep 10129930

Delo Heavy Duty EP

Aug. 13, 2008
Chevron's Delo brand of technologically advanced engine oils, lubricants and coolants, announces the latest member of its product family, Delo® Heavy Duty EP. Formulated with ...
Heavydutyepgreases 10129733

Heavy Duty EP Greases

Aug. 11, 2008
Chevron's Delo Heavy Duty EP greases are ideal for heavy to severe duty on-highway construction and maintenance vehicles, including tri-axle dump trucks, cement mixers, overweight...
Fleetfixconversionpack 10126946

FleetFix® Conversion Pack

June 25, 2007
ChevronTexaco Products Company,introduces the FleetFix Conversion Pack contains all the materials needed to convert conventional coolant currently being used in heavy-duty vehicles...
Texacostartakredep 10126098

Texaco Startak Red EP

June 25, 2007
ChevronTexaco Global Lubricants announced its Texaco brand has introduced a new line of heavy-duty greases, Startak™ Red EP. The new Startak product line consists of versatile...

Articles & News

Shawn Whitacre, senior staff engineer, technology, Chevron
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: When will CK-4 and FA-4 engine oils be made available?

May 18, 2016
The standards are now fully approved and American Petroleum Institute (API) will allow products that meet these new specs to be “licensed” starting on Dec. 1, 2016.
Shawn Whitacre, senior staff engineer, technology, Chevron
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: What advantages do the new oil specifications hold for end users?

May 18, 2016
These new specifications include new performance requirements that make API CK-4 and API FA-4 significant upgrades to API CJ-4. Most notably, oils that meet the new standards ...
Shawn Whitacre, senior staff engineer, technology, Chevron
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: Are the new oil specifications expected to lead to additional costs for customers?

May 18, 2016
These new oil specifications are definitely demanding and will require the use of new and, in some cases, more additive componentry to improve their performance.
Shawn Whitacre, senior staff engineer, technology, Chevron
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: What is the difference between CK-4 and FA-4?

May 18, 2016
The primary difference in the two new API performance categories for heavy duty oil is with backward compatibility.

Videos & Resources

Large Fleet Tip High Res Background

Large Fleet Top 5 Tips

June 25, 2018
What can help your fleet make that last mile delivery?
Small Medium Fleet High Res Background

Top 5 Maintenance Practices

May 31, 2018
Odds are, the structure of your maintenance shop was put together decades ago. So what still works and what should be upgraded?
chevron logo 10886719 54986e516b125
The Garage

Viscosity vs. fuel efficiency: The battle ends here

Dec. 22, 2014
Smaller fleets and owner-operators can enjoy the fuel-efficiency benefits of lower viscosity engine oil without sacrificing the protection of higher viscosity lubricants.
Chevron Delo's Ultimate Tug Of War

Chevron Delo's Ultimate Tug Of War

Sept. 17, 2014
A severe duty truck versus a tugboat... Who will win in the ultimate tug of war?


Adam Renner

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All content from Chevron Lubricants

Large Fleet Tips Graphic 5c0fdf4ad26b6

Prepare your fleet for last mile delivery

March 11, 2019
Today's consumers are changing their purchasing habits, which is creating new opportunities for fleets to handle last mile deliveries. But, this also means that as the demands...
Large Fleet Tips Graphic 5c0fdf4ad26b6

Prepare your fleet for last mile delivery

March 11, 2019
Today's consumers are changing their purchasing habits, which is creating new opportunities for fleets to handle last mile deliveries. But, this also means that as the demands...
Small Medium Fleet Tips Graphic 5bd07c2dbc650 5c48ac912fc1d

Top five maintenance practices for modern small and medium fleets

March 11, 2019
Most likely the shop you are operating has been running with the same business structure since it started. When was the last time you determined what practices still work and ...
Small Medium Fleet Tips Graphic 5bd07c2dbc650 5c48ac912fc1d

Top five maintenance practices for modern small and medium fleets

March 11, 2019
Most likely the shop you are operating has been running with the same business structure since it started. When was the last time you determined what practices still work and ...
Large Fleet E Book Graphic

The maintenance equation

Jan. 29, 2019
Technology has changed many things in the trucking industry, but regular maintenance is not one of them. Having the most efficient and effective maintenance is key to keeping ...
Small Medium Fleet Tips Graphic 5bd07c2dbc650 5c48ac912fc1d

Top five maintenance practices for modern small and medium fleets

Jan. 29, 2019
Most likely the shop you are operating has been running with the same business structure since it started. When was the last time you determined what practices still work and ...
Ebook 5c4a1a0d39c46

Sound Practices: Resources for small and medium fleet maintenance

Jan. 29, 2019
The designs of trucks today have made repairs much more complex as well as costly. With maintenance costs also on the rise, each decision made by fleet owners is weighed with ...
Small Medium Fleet Webinar Graphic 5c4a1c2738173

Webinar: How to build a modern maintenance shop

Jan. 29, 2019
With the trucking industry constantly changing, maintenance shops are faced with the challenge to follow suit. Chevron Delo is offering a free webinar full of expert tips from...
Small Medium Fleet Webinar Graphic

Webinar: How to build a modern maintenance shop

Jan. 24, 2019
With the trucking industry constantly changing, maintenance shops are faced with the challenge to follow suit. Chevron Delo is offering a free webinar full of expert tips from...

Sound Practices: Resources for small and medium fleet maintenance

Jan. 24, 2019
The designs of trucks today have made repairs much more complex as well as costly. With maintenance costs also on the rise, each decision made by fleet owners is weighed with ...
Large Fleet Tips Graphic 5c0fdf4ad26b6

Prepare your fleet for last mile delivery

Jan. 23, 2019
Today's consumers are changing their purchasing habits, which is creating new opportunities for fleets to handle last mile deliveries. But, this also means that as the demands...
Large Fleet Webinar Graphic 5bf2c5329432c

Webinar: Perfecting the last mile maintenance plan

Jan. 23, 2019
Online shopping is a consumer trend that has increased in popularity across multiple industries, including fleets. This trend changes how fleets operate their routes, delivery...
Small Medium Fleet Tips Graphic 5bd07c2dbc650

Top five maintenance practices for modern small and medium fleets

Jan. 23, 2019
Most likely the shop you are operating has been running with the same business structure since it started. When was the last time you determined what practices still work and ...
Small Medium Fleet Tips Graphic 5bd07c2dbc650

Top five maintenance practices for modern small and medium fleets

Jan. 23, 2019
Most likely the shop you are operating has been running with the same business structure since it started. When was the last time you determined what practices still work and ...
Large Fleet Tips Graphic

Prepare your fleet for last mile delivery

Dec. 11, 2018
Today's consumers are changing their purchasing habits, which is creating new opportunities for fleets to handle last mile deliveries. But, this also means that as the demands...
Large Fleet Webinar Graphic

Webinar: Perfecting the last mile maintenance plan

Dec. 3, 2018
Online shopping is a consumer trend that has increased in popularity across multiple industries, including fleets. This trend changes how fleets operate their routes, delivery...
Small Medium Fleet Tips Graphic

Top five maintenance practices for modern small and medium fleets

Oct. 24, 2018
Most likely the shop you are operating has been running with the same business structure since it started. When was the last time you determined what practices still work and ...
Small Medium Fleet Webinar Graphic

Webinar: How to build a modern maintenance shop

Oct. 9, 2018
With the trucking industry constantly changing, maintenance shops are faced with the challenge to follow suit. Chevron Delo is offering a free webinar full of expert tips from...
Prod 3997 280x150 (1)

Sound Practices: Resources for small and medium fleet maintenance

Oct. 1, 2018
The designs of trucks today have made repairs much more complex as well as costly. With maintenance costs also on the rise, each decision made by fleet owners is weighed with ...
Chevrondeloextendedlifecoolantantifreeze 10124891

Chevron Delo Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze

June 25, 2007
ChevronTexaco Global Lubricants introduces Delo Extended Life Coolant (ELC). In addition to high-quality protection to engine cooling systems and components, Delo ELC also offers...
Lubricantsuniversity 10128014
Training Products and Tools

Lubricants University

June 25, 2007
Chevron's Lubricants University, an educational website, is introducing two new courses, "Fundamentals of Lubricant Additives" and "Base Oils," as part of its educational on-line...
Extendedlifecoolant 10127848

Extended Life Coolant

June 25, 2007
Chevron Products Company introduced its new, patented, global Extended Life Coolant (ELC) formulation which significantly exceeds current performance levels for products claiming...
Chevrondelogreaseep 10126400

Chevron Delo Grease EP

June 25, 2007
ChevronTexaco Global Lubricants introduced a new version of its Chevron Delo Grease EP. The new formulation improves mechanical stability and water resistance, resulting in longer...