CARBTROL Corporation

Bridgeport, CT 06607


About CARBTROL Corporation


955 Connecticut Ave.
Suite 5202
Bridgeport, CT 06607
United States

More Info on CARBTROL Corporation

CARBTROL® Corporation offers a full line of Vehicle Wash Recycle systems.

Products & Press Releases

Washwatertreatmentsystem 10125465
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Wash Water Treatment System

June 25, 2007
CARBTROL offers a Wash Water Treatment System that provides high-quality water for vehicle washing. It eliminates off-site discharges to sewers, and improves your fleet's environmental...
Washwatertreatmentrecyclesystems 10127714
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Wash Water Treatment ' Recycle Systems

June 25, 2007
Carbtrol Corp. offers complete systems for treatment of, or recycling of, wash water. Sysems consist of collection sumps, suspended solids removal, activated carbon for organic...
Washwaterrecyclesystemmodelvwr 10128333
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Wash Water Recycle System (Model VWR)

June 25, 2007
CARBTROL offers a Wash Water Recycle System (Model VWR) which provides high quality recycles water for vehicle (car, bus, truck) and equipment washing operations. The system can...


Ken Lanouette

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