Collective Data

Cedar Rapids, IA 52401


About Collective Data


230 2nd St SE, Suite 414
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
United States

More Info on Collective Data

Collectivedatainc 10122102

Collective Data is a leading provider of scalable, enterprise fleet maintenance management software that help organizations improve all aspects of their fleet maintenance operation. Our fleet management software is an invaluable resource due to it's ability to deliver useful reports, reveal trends to help reduce costs, and much more.

Our proven fleet maintenance solutions are tailored to meet specific industry needs and go far beyond traditional, off-the-shelf fleet maintenance software programs. We help organizations to manage more of their operation with one software system.

By working with organizations just like yours, we are able to offer software solutions that help you manage your vehicles, equipment, parts, employees, and other assets at a whole new level.

Products & Press Releases

Collective Data Web 5522f72b1797a
Shop Management and Point of Sale

collectiveFleet web-based fleet and asset management software

April 2, 2015
The Collective Data collectiveFleet web-based fleet and asset management software offers improved accessibility for users and can be configured to meet individual needs. The web...
Collective Data Logo
Service Repair

Collective Data reports record revenue growth

Feb. 13, 2014
More companies find Collective Data’s flexible technology improves fleet productivity
Collectiveshop 10130951
Shop Management and Point of Sale

collectiveShop Maintenance and Shop Workflow Software

Nov. 20, 2009
Collective Data's shop management software solution, collectiveShop, is focused on helping shops streamline operations and increase efficiency. The shop can be a hectic place ...
Fleetmanagementsoftware 10125827
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Fleet Maintenance Management Software

June 25, 2007
Collective Data fleet maintenance management software solutions help you improve all aspects of your fleet maintenance operation. Some of the features and benefits of Collective...
Collectivefleet 10126651
Shop Management and Point of Sale

collectiveFleet Fleet Maintenance Software (with video)

June 25, 2007
Collective Data's fleet maintenance software, collectiveFleet, is leading the way in how organizations manage vehicles, equipment and other assets. Some of the features and benefits...

Videos & Resources

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Service Repair

Collective Data Software Video

Aug. 28, 2012
A video introduction to Collective Data's fleet management software that keeps record of inventories, assets, profit and loss statements and more.

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