Rickson Truck Wheels & Accessories

Sparks, MD 21152


About Rickson Truck Wheels & Accessories


15129 York Rd.
Sparks, MD 21152
United States
(800) 587-7633
410) 472-1814
(800) 587-4655

More Info on Rickson Truck Wheels & Accessories

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Manufacturers and designers of the strongest aftermarket wheel available for light trucks. Heavy-duty 19.5"direct replacement wheels in forged aluminum, chrome plated steel, and powder coated steel. For Dodge, GM and Ford &-ton and 1-ton pickup trucks, vans, cab & chassis, and class C motor homes and trailers.

Products & Press Releases

Stainlesssteeltrimrings 10129977
Product Guide

Stainless Steel Trim Rings

Aug. 25, 2008
Now you can enhance the look of the plain steel wheels on your truck with stainless steel trim rings (AKA "beauty rings") exclusively from Rickson Wheel Manufacturing. Available...
Haulrite19 10126160
Product Guide

Haul-Rite 19.5

June 25, 2007
Hauling heavy loads with 3/4-ton and 1-ton trucks is now easier and safer with Haul-Rite 19.5" commercial-duty wheel upgrades from Rickson Truck Wheels ' Accessories. These heavy...


Heather Knutson

Marketing Dir.

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