Edge Products Inc.

Ogden, UT 84404


About Edge Products Inc.


1080 S. Depot Dr.
Ogden, UT 84404
United States

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Products & Press Releases

Evolutionprogrammer 10126802
Engine and Powertrain

Evolution Programmer

June 25, 2007
Edge Products enters the gas tuning segment with a new Evolution hand-held programmer for late-model Ford trucks. This next-generation programmer adds power but also dramatically...
Apillarmonitormount 10126911
Shop Management and Point of Sale

A-Pillar Monitor Mount

June 25, 2007
Edge Products now offers an innovative way to mount the company's Attitude diesel monitor/controller. The new Edge Attitude Pillar Mount conveniently positions the Attitude within...
Thejuiceattitude 10126983
Engine and Powertrain

The Juice-Attitude

June 25, 2007
Edge Products offers its highly sophisticated yet easy to install Juice With Attitude system for the 325-HP 2004.5-2005 Ram Cummins 600 diesel. The Juice-Attitude not only adds...
Evolutionprogrammerfordiesel 10127109
Engine and Powertrain

Evolution Programmer for Diesel

June 25, 2007
Edge Products now offers its powerful Evolution programmer/scanner for 2003-current Ford 6.0L Powerstrokes. Like the existing Evolution applications (for Ford 7.3L diesels and...


Tom Morr

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