Owner: David Frick
Daves Auto Repair
Caro, Mich.
It all started with the centerpiece: A limited-edition Dale Earnhardt box by Snap-on. In recent years, David Frick has added something to it every year, expanding the entire setup to measure 18’ x 7’6”.
The most recent additions include “the work stations and the lockers on the top,” as well as the side lockers, where Frick keeps his cordless and A/C tools. By tweaking the original, Frick also took the design up a notch.
“The box came in all black with stainless steel drawer liners. I special ordered all the red drawer pulls and then the white trim on the corners.”
After some of the setup options were discontinued, Frick had the top lockers “painted to match” at a bodyshop.
Frick knows his box down to the numbers.
“They made 4,200 of them, and mine’s number 3,461,” he said.
“I’ve been down to Charlotte to Richard Childress Racing, and he has the first one made, and Dale Earnhardt Incorporated has the third one.
“Actually, this is the third Dale Earnhardt box I’ve had,” said Frick. “I had one, and then I traded up for a little bigger one. And then this one came along and I had to have it.
“This is definitely the last of the line … but you never know.”
Frick has owned the two-bay repair facility in Caro, Mich., since 1998. His shop handles all general automotive repairs and specializes in automatic transmission repair.
As the only shop in town to do that type of work, Frick often has other places send their transmission repairs to him.
“It keeps me busy,” Frick said. “Right now we have seven transmissions we’re working on—it stays like this all the time.”
A race enthusiast, Frick has been to tracks all over the country.
What’s the best part of the repair business for this shop owner?
“I love being able to work for myself,” said Frick. “Having a small shop where I can do quality work at a fair price.”