Q: How can I get the longest life from my air tool?
A: An air tool is powered by either a rotary vane air motor (most tools), or a reciprocating air powered piston/cylinder (air hammers and saws). Just like an automobile engine, the motor requires regular lubrication, and the motor with rust if contaminated with moisture. Fitting a moisture trap/filter and automatic oiler to your compressor is the best way to ensure long life from the tool. In addition, and particularly if you do not have an automatic oiler at your compressor, always oil the tool after use. Before storing the tool, add four or five drops of air tool oil in the air inlet. Then re-connect the tool to the air hose and run the tool for one second. This allows the oil to coat the metal parts of the air motor and prevents rusting of internal parts, and it prevents moisture from penetrating the motor vanes.
Information provided by: Florida Pneumatic Mfg. Corp.