Tool Review: Clore Automotive SOLAR 12V 100A Flashing Power Supply and 100/40/10A Battery Charger

Dec. 5, 2022
Reviewed by Eric Moore, fleet manager at Griffin Pavement Striping in Columbus, Ohio.

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Q: How did the tool/equipment function as far as saving you time?

A: This power supply is fantastic for ensuring that voltage is maintained at a constant level while performing critical updates or flash programming. Without the variations in voltage to interrupt the process, things proceed smoothly and quickly. The capability of recovering and charging batteries is also extremely convenient. Especially the 100A option.

Q: What kind of setup was involved before using the product?

A: The power supply comes with a special AC cord that your typical outlets may not accept. We decided to outfit a 24”, 12 gauge extension cord with the correct end to accept the plug. We also keep the extension cord in a secure location. This way the power supply is less likely to be used incorrectly by staff not instructed in its proper use.

Q: How easy was it to use?

A: The power supply is very easy to use, and the controls are almost self-explanatory. Choose whether you would like to charge a battery or provide clean steady power. If charging, select the battery type and the amperage level for the charge. When providing 12vdc power, select the voltage you need to stay constant and press the start button.

Q: Was there a manual included? If so, did you use the manual, and was the manual easy to understand?

A: There is a manual included and I did read it. The operational steps are easy to follow and understand. The manual listed the correct gauge and length of any extension cord being used, which is how we built our adapter cord for the unit. Pay close attention to the procedure for connecting to vehicle batteries on pages 11-13 when using this as a power supply.

Q: What features did you like?

A: Being able to recover discharged batteries is a great feature, it saved us a few dollars by not replacing batteries that we considered unusable. The smart features on the unit allowed our tech to set it up and walk away while it was either charging or providing power. Previous tools or chargers always needed babysitting to ensure they hadn’t timed out or weren’t set up incorrectly. Not to mention the fluctuating voltages when trying to use a battery charger as a power supply.

Q: Is there any way you could think to improve or add to this tool?

A: If I had to pick something, my only “complaint” is that the clamps could have stiffer springs. They are actually very good, but I just prefer a more robust clamp when it comes to connecting to batteries. As time passes, we will likely upgrade the unit with the heavy duty style clamps we use on our jumper cables in the shop.

Q: What types of jobs/repairs did you use this tool for?

A: Our main use for this power supply was to provide clean, constant power to our vehicles when updating their Windows OS PCs that control our vocational equipment and provide reporting to the various agencies we work with. It’s critical that voltage stays constant when performing these updates, if voltage fluctuates and drops below 11.5vdc or above 13.6vdc, it causes the inverter to surge and that shuts down the PC. This causes all kinds of extra work to get the PC booted back up, the program re-started, and then remote accessed by the vendor.

Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this tool overall? Why?

A: With today’s vehicles being electronically focused and reliant, the need for clean, constant power when diagnosing or updating them is critical. I have a hard time not recommending that this be an essential tool for any shop. That makes it a 10 in our book.

About the Author

Eric Moore

Eric Moore began his career working on cars at several franchise dealerships. Initially, he leaned towards smaller vehicles, settling into Powersports vehicles, where he stayed for over 20 years. Then, Moore went the total opposite direction, landing at a medium and heavy duty truck dealership. Eventually, he moved into management and has performed most roles at the dealership level except for owning his own franchise. Currently, he is the fleet manager at Griffin Pavement Striping, belonging to the Frontline Road Safety group of companies. 

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