Ask the Expert: Are all multi-purpose lubricants the same?

Aug. 31, 2017
A multi-purpose lubricant must have the right chemistry to provide the right amount of penetration, lubricity and stability.

Q: Are all multi-purpose lubricants the same?

A: No. Anyone can make a solvent and base oil combo. It takes a real tribologist, an expert in the science of friction and wear, to formulate a lubricant from the ground-up to do everything well. The physical properties such as low viscosity and low surface tension need to be optimized, along with chemical properties to know how the formula behaves across a broad spectrum of usage conditions—from fast penetration at a low temperature to long term lubrication in high heat or severe conditions such as for off road vehicles.

Viscosity and surface tension determine how fast penetrating oil penetrates. Most leading products work fast to penetrate, but that’s only part of the equation. The chemistry of the product also plays a role.

·         Penetration (physical property): Some products only focus on penetration, using a solvent that has low viscosity and low surface tension. You end up with product that soaks in fast, but it may be water thin and makes for a poor lubricant.

·         Reaction (chemical property): Products that focus on the chemical property react well with corrosion, but there’s often limited long-term effectiveness. 

·         Lubrication (physical property): Products that mainly consist of a base oil lubricate well, but may lack long term lubricity protection and corrosion inhibition. You may need additive chemistry to accomplish both.

·         Stability (chemical property): Stability impacts long-term effectiveness to heat, evaporation and friction. Products that focus solely on stability have poorer performing penetrating and lubricating properties.

The product LIQUID WRENCH Pro Penetrant and Lubricant powered by FlashSight Technology is a fully formulated penetrating multi-purpose lubricant that offers both fast penetration and long-term lubricity and stability. It’s proprietary antioxidant, anti-wear additives, and corrosion inhibitors promote long-term stability. It contains all of the ingredients necessary to penetrate, break through the toughest rust and corroded parts as well as inhibit corrosion. 

Dr. Larry Beaver is VP of Technology, RSC Chemical Solutions, Inc.

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