Grey Pneumatic

Menomonie, WI 54751


About Grey Pneumatic


5615 Walton Ave NE
Menomonie, WI 54751

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Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of Grey Pneumatic
Grey Pneumatic 1/4
Tool Accessories

1/4" Drive 3-pc Impact Extension Set

May 24, 2023
The Grey Pneumatic 1/4" Drive 3-pc Impact Extension Set, No. 9703E, contains three extensions in 3", 6", and 10" lengths. These extensions feature a spring-loaded friction ball...
Photo courtesy of Grey Pneumatic
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

1/4" Extended Length Impact 4" Hex Drivers, No. 9247H

May 23, 2023
The Grey Pneumatic 1/4" Extended Length Impact 4" Hex Drivers, No. 9247H, are designed for getting to the smallest fasteners located in hard-to-reach places. These drivers are...
1224rd In Case (1)
Tool Accessories

24-pc 3/8" Drive Standard and Deep Length Fractional Impact Socket Set, No. 1224RD

July 17, 2019
The Grey Pneumatic 24-pc 3/8" Drive Standard and Deep Length Fractional Impact Socket Set, No. 1224RD, contains 6-point sizes 5/16" to 1" in both standard and deep lengths. The...
3304e In Case
Tool Accessories

3/4" Drive Impact Extension Set, No. 3304E

July 17, 2019
The Grey Pneumatic 3/4" Drive Impact Extension Set, No. 3304E, contains four extensions in 3", 7", 10", and 13" lengths. These extensions feature a spring-loaded friction ball...
2204 E 58ecf54d529c9
Tool Accessories

1/2" Drive 4-pc Impact Extension Set, No. 2204E

April 10, 2017
The Grey Pneumatic 1/2" Drive 4-pc Impact Extension Set, No. 2204E, contains four extensions in 3", 5", 7" and 10" lengths. These extensions feature a spring-loaded ball retainer...
1104 E 58ecf48498d09
Tool Accessories

3.8" Drive 4-pc Impact Extension Set, No. 1104E

April 10, 2017
The Grey Pneumatic 3.8" Drive 4-pc Impact Extension Set, No. 1104E contains four extensions in 1-3/4", 3", 6" and 12" lengths. These extensions feature a spring-loaded friction...
1403 Ha 544e9afe6dfb0
Tool Accessories

Hex to Square Adapter Set

Oct. 28, 2014
Grey Pneumatic now offers a 3-pc 1/4" Hex to Square Adapter Set, No. 1403HA. This set allows the use of 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" drive sockets with a 1/4" hex quick change chuck or...
Grey Pneumatic 1281 In Case 11372369
Tool Accessories

3/8" Drive 81-Piece Fractional & Metric Master Impact Socket Set No. 1281

April 3, 2014
Grey Pneumatic offers a 3/8” Drive, 81-piece Fractional & Metric Master Impact Socket Set, No. 1281. This set contains the most popular 3/8” drive 6-point sockets and universals...
1210umsd In Case 11293564
Tool Accessories

3/8" Drive Semi-Deep Universal Impact Sockets

Jan. 14, 2014
Grey Pneumatic offers the 3/8” Drive Semi-Deep Universal Impact Sockets. The working depth of these universal sockets is approximately halfway between a standard and deep socket...
2203ql 10946894
Tool Accessories

Impact Locking Extensions

May 21, 2013
Grey Pneumatic offers a complete line of Impact Locking Extensions in 1/4", 3/8 and 1/2" drive sizes. These locking extensions feature a positive locking ball and sliding collar...

Articles & News

100 3692 11109403
Tool Distributor

Give a fish or teach them how to fish?

March 11, 2014
As educators, we provide customers (and ourselves) a long-term benefit.
The Volvo is comfortable and easily pulls the 40-foot trailer
Tool Distributor

Something Completely Different

June 4, 2012
A husband-and-wife team sell to customers in The Badlands
Bobcovert 0411distributorprofi 10240679

Life after the franchise

March 16, 2011
After being laid off at 23, Bob Covert decided it was the right time in his life to gamble on going into business for himself. Three years later, after working a territory in ...
1219352208950 10330525
Tool Reviews

Tool Reviews: Matco Tools Air Ratchet and Grey Pnuematic Low-Profile Adapters

Find out what techs think of the Match 3/8" Heavy-Duty Air Ratchet and Grey Pneumatic's sleeve-type low profile adapters.
1174327083543 10334638
Tool Distributor

In Focus: General Technologies, Robinair, Grey Pneumatic and RIDGID

March 1, 2007
Provides instant reading and testing capabilities of sensor output.

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All content from Grey Pneumatic

1213sd And 1202sd In Case 10946891
Tool Accessories

3/8" Drive Semi-Deep Impact Sockets

May 21, 2013
Grey Pneumatic offers 3/8" Drive Semi-Deep Impact Sockets with an overall length of 1.63" which allows access in areas where a standard socket is too short and deep socket is ...
Duosockethandsockets 10103136

Duo-Socket hand sockets

March 9, 2009
The thin-wall design of chrome hand sockets has been combined with the strength and durability of GP Impact Sockets to create the Grey Pneumatic DUO-SOCKET® series. Built specifically...
Impactwobbleextensions 10102342
Tool Accessories

Impact Wobble Extensions

Sept. 9, 2008
Grey Pneumatic introduces a series of Impact Wobble Extensions made specifically for impact tools. These extensions provide up to 15 degrees of deflection, allowing standard impact...
Triplesquareimpactdrivers 10101485
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

Triple Square Impact Drivers

June 3, 2008
The Triple Square Impact Drivers from Grey Pneumatic come in standard and 4" extended lengths. The impact drivers are used on Volkswagens, Porsche and Audi as well as Detroit ...
Valueaddedsocketsets 10097813
Tool Accessories

Value-added socket sets

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic adds value to universal sets Grey Pneumatic has added extended sizes to its 1/2"-drive universal six-point impact socket sets. With a full range of sizes, these...
Sleevetypelowprofileadapters 10097829
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

sleeve type low profile adapters

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic’s sleeve-type low-profile adapters reduce larger drive sizes for use on smaller drive tools. They are available in seven different sizes, from 2-1/2” to 1/4” drives...
Greypneumaticcatalog 10097827
Training Products and Tools

Grey Pneumatic catalog

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic's full line catalog includes their complete range of impact sockets, chisels and attachments, along with some new additions, such as the 3/4" Drive T-Handle Tool...
4pointpipeplugsockets 10097825
Tool Accessories

4-Point Pipe Plug Sockets

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic's 4-Point Pipe Plug Sockets are offered in an 11pc. set, No. 1211P, and contain male sizes 3/16" to 3/8" and female sizes 1/4" to 3/8". Sockets come in a molded...
12pointuniversals13and14pcsets 10097823
Tool Accessories

12-point universals 13 and 14-pc sets

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic 12-point universals are a new addition to their 1/2" drive line of impact sockets. Sizes are available in both fractional and metric. The sockets are offered individually...
12driveimpacthexdriversetno 10097821
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

1/2" Drive Impact Hex Driver Set No. 1598HC

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic offers a complete 1/2" Drive Impact Hex Driver Set providing both fractional and metric coverage. The 18-piece set, No. 1598HC, contains fractional sizes 1/4"-3...
12drivemetricmasterimpactsocketsets 10097819
Tool Accessories

1/2" Drive Metric Master Impact Socket sets

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic now offers 1/2" Drive Metric Master Impact Socket sets. The 6-point sets are available in both standard (No. 1326M) and deep (No. 1326MD) lengths. Sizes range from...
34drivemaster6pointimpactsocketsets 10097817
Tool Accessories

3/4" Drive Master 6-point Impact Socket Sets

Feb. 26, 2008
Now available from Grey Pneumatic are 3/4" Drive Master 6 Point Impact Socket Sets providing fractional coverage sizes 3/4" '#8211; 2-1/2". Complete sets include the standard...
12pointimpactsockets 10097815
Tool Accessories

12 Point Impact Sockets

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic introduces their extensive line of 12 Point Impact Sockets designed for professional tool users. They are engineered specifically for use with impact tools, and...
Impactsocketmastersets 10096813
Tool Accessories

Impact Socket Master Sets

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Grey Pneumatic are four Impact Socket Master Sets featuring: Hex sizes from 3/8" through 1-1/2" and 10 mm through 36 mm in both standard and deep lengths. Each socket...
Larger12pointimpactsockets 10097811
Tool Accessories

Larger 12 -point impact sockets

Feb. 26, 2008
Now available from Grey Pneumatic is a wide range of 12-point impact sockets in 3/4" and 1" drives. The 3/4"-drive fractional sizes range from 3/4" to 2-1/2", and the metric sizes...
38driveuniversalimpactsocketsets 10097809
Tool Accessories

3/8"-drive Universal Impact Socket sets

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Grey Pneumatic is their line of 3/8"-drive Universal Impact Socket sets, which are available in both standard and deep lengths, as well as fractional and metric sizes...
Impactchiselsin401and 10097807
Hand Tools

Impact Chisels in .401 and .498 shanks

Feb. 26, 2008
Now Available from Grey Pneumatic is their full line of Impact Chisels in .401 and .498 shanks. Each tool is made from high-quality steel and designed for a specific job or application...
12driveuniversalimpactsocketset 10097805
Tool Accessories

1/2"-Drive Universal Impact Socket Set

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic offers extended sizes in their 1/2"-Drive Universal Impact Socket Sets. Their 14-piece fractional set contains sizes from 7/16" through 1-1/4", and their 13-piece...
1642rd38drive12point42piecemasterimpactsocketset 10097803
Tool Accessories

1642RD 3/8"-drive, 12-point, 42-piece Master Impact Socket Set

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Grey Pneumatic is their 1642RD 3/8"-drive, 12-point, 42-piece Master Impact Socket Set. This complete set offers fractional and Metric sizes in both standard and deep...
974814drivecombinationimpactsocketset 10097801
Tool Accessories

9748 1/4"-drive Combination impact socket set

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Grey Pneumatic their 9748 1/4"-drive Combination impact socket set, which the company feels is like four unique tool kits in one, with fractional sizes of 3/16" to 9/...
34and1driveimpactsocketsets 10097797
Tool Accessories

3/4" and 1"-drive impact socket sets

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Grey Pneumatic is their line of 3/4" and 1"-drive impact socket sets. The 3/4"-drive sets include sizes from 3/4" to 2-1/2" hex, or 19 mm to 50 mm. The 1"-drive sets ...
38driveseriesofextendedlengthimpacttorxdrivers 10097795
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

3/8"-drive series of extended length Impact Torx drivers

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic introduces their 3/8"-drive series of extended length Impact Torx drivers. With an overall length of 5.91", the new hand tools are designed for hard-to-reach areas...
38drivepipeplugsocketset 10097793
Tool Accessories

3/8" Drive Pipe Plug Socket Set

Feb. 26, 2008
Pipe Plug Socket Set The new 3/8" Drive Pipe Plug Socket Set from Grey Pneumatic (1211P) contains male socket sizes from 3/16" to 3/8" and female sizes from 1/4" to 3/8", which...
14driveimpacthexdriversetno 10097791
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

1/4"-drive Impact Hex Driver Set No. 9298HC

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic introduces their 9298HC 1/4"-drive Impact Hex Driver Set. The 14-piece set comes with fractional sizes from 1/8" through 3/8" and metric sizes from 2 mm through...
1driveuniversalimpactsockets 10097789
Tool Accessories

1" drive universal Impact Sockets

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic introduces their new +" and 1" drive Universal Impact Sockets that are available in fractional and metric sizes up to 2" or 50mm, 6-point hex. The 1" drive features...
Wallimpactuniversaljointswith38and12drives 10097787
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

wall impact universal joints with 3/8" and 1/2" drives

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic introduces two thin-wall impact universal joints with 3/8" (1129TUJ) and 1/2" (2229TUJ ) drives. The company feels a thinner wall can help improve access to tight...
12piecetamperprooftorxdriverset 10097785
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

12-Piece Tamper-Proof Torx Driver Set

Feb. 26, 2008
Grey Pneumatic now has a 12-piece 1/4", 3/8" and +" drive Tamper-Proof Torx Driver Set for Impact or Hand tool use (Set No. 1235TT). The Tamper-Proof design allows access to special...
Truckwheelimpactsocket 10126207
Cordless Tools

Truck Wheel Impact Socket

June 25, 2007
Grey Pneumatic announces their new 1" drive 7 piece Truck Wheel Impact Socket set no.9007. This set includes sockets to service standard inner and outer Budd wheels plus Dayton...