Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

Fredricksburg, VA 22404


About Kaeser Compressors, Inc.


PO Box 946
Fredricksburg, VA 22404

More Info on Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

Kaeser Compressors Logo 11203580

At Kaeser, we earn our customers' trust and satisfaction by manufacturing the highest quality compressed air, vacuum and blower products available anywhere. All of our products are designed for reliable performance, easy maintenance, and maximum energy efficiency. That's why we say our products are "Built for a lifetime."

Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of Kaeser Compressors
Compressed Air Systems

SFC 110M Variable Frequency Drive Compressor

Aug. 13, 2024
The SFC 110M Variable Frequency Drive Compressor from Kaeser Compressors uses a 150hp permanent magnet motor that produces a flow range of 103 to 742 cfm at 100 psig. It includes...
Photo courtesy of Kaeser Compressors
Compressed Air Systems

Kaeser Measurement Technology

May 29, 2024
The Kaeser Measurement Technology (KMT) from Kaeser Compressors is a comprehensive suite of intelligent sensors designed to deliver real-time insights and optimize compressed...
Photo from Kaeser Compressors
Compressed Air Systems


April 11, 2024
The AQUAMAT i.CF from Kaeser Compressors provides clean and effective condensate separation for flow rates up to 3,300 scfm. The i.CF is designed to maximize efficiency, simplify...
D Dc Hf Web 46 116609
Shop Equipment

DC-HF Series Desiccant Dryers

April 28, 2021
The Kaeser DC-HF Series Desiccant Dryers are compact and for point of use or other low flow applications from 7 to 40 scfm and pressures from 58 to 218 psig.
A Sm Group 46 84128
Compressed Air Systems

SM Series Rotary Screw Compressors

Feb. 19, 2019
The Kaeser Compressors SM Series Rotary Screw Compressors are designed to reduce energy costs, improve overall performance and extend service life. The SIGMA 06 airend offers ...
SmartPipe 8 Sizes tcm9 813141 57a88b4e1f2d1
Compressed Air Systems


Aug. 8, 2016
The Kaeser SmartPipe is a modular, aluminum compressed air distribution system featuring lightweight materials and simple connectors that can be installed without threading, welding...
Kaeser Filters 57309acdd5497
Compressed Air Systems

Compressed Air Filters

May 3, 2016
The Kaeser Compressors Compressed Air Filters are available in flows from 20 to 500 scfm. These filters deliver compressed air quality with low pressure drop for energy savings...
Kaeser SFC 22 55760dc01acc0
Compressed Air Systems

SFC 22 variable speed drive rotary screw compressor

June 4, 2015
The Kaeser Compressors SFC 22 variable speed drive rotary screw compressor offers an efficiency advantage of up to 26 percent over other compressors, according to the company....
Kaeser SFC 22 556f17a6f41d8
The Garage

Kaeser launches variable speed drive compressor

June 3, 2015
New features include an enhanced cooling design, eco-friendly filter element, integral moisture separator with drain and an Electronic Thermal Management system.

Articles & News

Michael Camber, Marketing Services Manager, Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: Is it ok for my shop compressor to run all day?

April 4, 2014
Duty cycle plays a key roll in determining how long an air compressor can run safely.
Michael Camber, Marketing Services Manager, Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: Will my shop benefit from a variable frequency drive compressor?

April 4, 2014
Variable speed drive compressors have gotten a lot of publicity for being the energy-saving "silver bullet" for compressed air systems. But taking key steps to their application...
Michael Camber, Marketing Services Manager, Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: Where should I place my receiver tank in my compressed air system?

April 4, 2014
Many compressed air systems have two tanks: a wet tank before the dryer, and a dry tank after all dryers and filters for compressed air storage.
A rotary screw compressor
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Tech Tip: How to choose between a piston and rotary screw compressor

Aug. 19, 2013
When deciding which one to buy, be sure to consider duty cycle, energy efficiency and maintenance costs.
Sk Sm Sx 11118452
Ask the Expert and Tech Tips

Tech Tip: Keep your compressed air system up and running

Aug. 19, 2013
A list of key maintenance items to review to keep a shop air compressor up and running.
1197648419576 10334423
The Garage

Assess Your Compressor IQ

Dec. 14, 2007
Small sizes are a big feature, especially combined with more horsepower

Videos & Resources

Kaeser Compressors Logo 11203580
The Garage

CAGI Data Sheets: An apples-to-apples performance comparison

April 16, 2013
The Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI) has developed a tool for a fair comparison between compressors.


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All content from Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

proactive maintenance 555e3c97661ac

Proactive maintenance

May 21, 2015
With the smartness of machines and “Internet of Things,” proactive maintenance is quickly becoming the buzzword for facilities’ maintenance managers and reliability engineers....
michael camber for web 100pxx150px 554a5e000fa12

Let's make a deal... or maybe not

May 6, 2015
Online auctions can be a good source for finding cheaper alternatives for equipment, but if you’re not careful, that great bargain you found at the auction will have you heading...
kaeser compressors logo 11203580 54ecec3eb5712

Don't get fooled - go with the real deal

Feb. 24, 2015
I would like to point out a few key points to consider when you are purchasing replacement parts for your compressor.
Airtower75c 5x4 300dpi Cmyk 11617456
Compressed Air Systems


Aug. 8, 2014
The Kaeser Airtower is a compressor for any light industrial application, including vehicle maintenance and repair. The Airtower is a packaged compressed air system with a Sigma...
Kaeser Compressors Kryosec Tah Tch 5410b0aa3c127
Compressed Air Systems

Kryosec TAH-TCH series of refrigerated dryers

Aug. 8, 2014
The Kaeser Compressors Kryosec TAH-TCH series of refrigerated dryers are compatible with rotary compressors up to 40 hp and handle flows from 12 to 159 cfm. These dryers can provide...
The Garage

Kaeser expands international headquarters in Germany

July 21, 2014
Kaeser Kompressoren SE, the international headquarters of Kaeser Compressors, Inc., has broken ground on a major expansion at its main location in Coburg, Germany.
Neil Mehltretter, Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

Trim your compressed air "waste" line, one pound at a time

June 27, 2014
The Department of Energy estimates that as much as 10-15 percent of compressed air is wasted due to artificial demand.
Sfc 18st 5x4 300 Cmyk Tcm9 515 11433854
Compressed Air Systems

Variable Speed Drive Rotary Screw Compressors, Nos. SFC 18S and SFC 22S

May 1, 2014
Kaeser Variable Speed Drive Rotary Screw Compressors, Nos. SFC 18S and SFC 22S, feature an airend specifically designed to optimize performance and efficiency. They come standard...
The Garage

Kaeser variable speed compressors simplify maintenance

April 25, 2014
New units feature a new airend designed for efficiency.
Kaeser Sfc 18 St Tcm9 515222
The Garage

Kaeser releases new AS series rotary screw compressors

April 11, 2014
Series has new airend designed to optimize performance.
The Garage

Kaeser Compressors blog examines costs of compressed air

March 17, 2014
Susan Hodges, system design engineer, explains in a new blog the different costs associated with compressed air that must be considered when purchasing new equipment.
Sfc 30 5x4 300 Cmyk Tcm9 48772 11310113
Compressed Air Systems

SFC 30S and SFC 30 rotary screw compressors

Feb. 12, 2014
The Kaeser SFC 30S and SFC 30 rotary screw compressors feature an enhanced cooling design, eco-friendly filter element, integral moisture separator with drain and an electronic...
The Garage

Kaeser introduces variable speed drive screw compressors

Feb. 11, 2014
Kaeser has improved the SFC 30S and SFC 30 models' power by up to 6 percent through a combination of true direct drive design, premium efficiency motors, lower internal pressure...
Asd 30 Tcm9 474165 11299325
Compressed Air Systems

ASD Series Rotary Screw Compressors

Jan. 23, 2014
The Kaeser ASD Series Rotary Screw Compressors include an enhanced cooling design, eco-friendly filter element, integral moisture separator with drain and an electronic thermal...
ASD 30 from Kaeser Compressors Inc.
Compressed Air Systems

Rotary Screw Compressors ASD 30

Dec. 20, 2013
Available in 25, 30, and 40 hp with flows up to 194 cfm and pressures to 217 psig, the latest Kaeser series of ASD compressors features the power saving Sigma Profile airends ...
BSD rotary screw compressors
Compressed Air Systems

Airtower compressors

July 18, 2013
Kaeser's Airtower compressor is an affordable, rugged compressor for any light industrial application including vehicle maintenance and repair. It is a packaged compressed...
Service Repair

Factory-direct facility now open in Philadelphia

June 11, 2013
The new branch supplies and supports the company's entire product offering.
Service Repair

Kaeser Compressors is now talking shop

March 29, 2013
This blog includes technical articles written by subject matter experts on various compressed air topics.
Service Repair

Kaeser Compressors, Inc. partners with Gas Monkey Garage on 'Fast N' Loud' on Discovery Channel

March 21, 2013
Kaeser Compressors designs and installs compressed air system for Gas Monkey garage in Dallas.
Sxrotaryscrewcompressors 10106594
Compressed Air Systems

SX rotary screw compressors

Feb. 11, 2013
Kaeser SX rotary screw compressors are available from 3 hp to 7.5 hp, and offer noise levels as low as 62 dB(A). SX-series compressors are designed with a single point electrical...
Matt McCorkle, National Service Manager, Kaeser Compressors
Industry News

Kaeser opens new branch offices in Minn. and Wis.

July 11, 2012
Kaeser Compressors, Inc., a worldwide manufacturer of industrial air compressors, blowers and related equipment, opened two new factory-direct facilities on July 2, 2012. The ...
Kaesersk15redesignedaircompres 10219078
Compressed Air Systems

SK 15 Rotary Screw Compressor Series

Jan. 17, 2011
Kaeser introduces the redesigned SK rotary screw compressor series of 15 hp and 20 hp industrial air compressors. These units provide greater flow at 46-89 cfm with pressures ...
Uscleanai 10147605
Training Products and Tools

Clean Air Treatment Equipment Catalog

June 18, 2010
Kaeser's full-color 10-page Clean Air Treatment Equipment Catalog will help you select the right combination of dryers and filters to reach any ISO quality class from general ...
Smartpipe 10130989
Compressed Air Systems


Dec. 22, 2009
Kaeser Compressors' modular, aluminum compressed air distribution system - SmartPipe - is a versatile piping system featuring lightweight materials and push-to-fit connectors ...
Membranedryer 10130959
Compressed Air Systems

Membrane Dryer

Nov. 20, 2009
Kaeser's Modular Membrane Dryer (KMM), intended to eliminate moisture from compressed air, is a simple, reliable way to produce dew points from +40°F to -40°F. These low maintenance...
Modularmembranedryer 10106401
Compressed Air Systems

Modular Membrane Dryer

Nov. 16, 2009
Kaeser's Modular Membrane Dryer, No. KMM, is a low-mainetnance way to produce dew points from 40 degrees F to -40 degrees F. The dryers feature a bundle of tube-shaped membranes...
Compressedairtreatmentequipmentguide 10130873
Compressed Air Systems

Compressed air treatment equipment guide

Sept. 24, 2009
Kaeser Compressors' Meeting Your Compressed Air Treatment Needs is an eight-page guide to selecting the right compressed air treatment equipment for the application. It clearly...
Meetingyourcompressedairtreatmentneeds 10106163
Training Products and Tools

Meeting Your Compressed Air Treatment Needs

Sept. 21, 2009
Kaeser Compressors Inc. offers a complimentary guide to selecting the right compressed air treatment equipment for your application. This eight-page, full-color guide, "Meeting...
Kaserbreathingairsystemkbs 10105953
Compressed Air Systems

Kaser Breathing Air System (KBS)

July 14, 2009
The Kaeser Breathing Air System removes excess moisture, solid particles, oil and oil vapor, and carbon monoxide that may be present in ordinary compressed air. With six stages...
Compressedairsystemsguide 10103249
Training Products and Tools

Compressed air systems guide

March 27, 2009
This new-and-improved, four-color guide to compressed air from Kaeser addresses the benefits of rotary screw compressors and walks readers through the essential components of ...
Smartpipeproductcatalogandinstallationguide 10103177
Training Products and Tools

SmartPipe product catalog and installation guide

March 11, 2009
The Kaeser SmartPipe product catalog and installation guide covers everything from the benefits of the modular aluminum piping to installation tips and product specifications....
Ecodrains 10102984
Compressed Air Systems


Feb. 6, 2009
Kaeser Eco-Drains prevent the water, oil and dirt trapped by compressed air tanks, moisture separators, dryers, and filters from building up and contaminating expensive equipment...
Sxaircenter 10102939
Compressed Air Systems

SX AirCenter

Jan. 16, 2009
The SX AirCenter units from Kaeser include a rotary screw compressor, dryer and tank-in-one space-saving package. Available in 3 to 7.5 hp, the SX AirCenter provides pressures...
Updatedcostsavingswithcompressedairsystemsmaintenancereferencemanual 10102717
Compressed Air Systems

Updated Cost Savings with Compressed Air Systems Maintenance reference manual

Nov. 12, 2008
The full-color, eight-page "Cost Savings with Compressed Air Systems Maintenance" reference manual from Kaeser outlines maintenance activities for all aspects of the system including...
Airtowercompressorpackages 10130128
Compressed Air Systems

Airtower Compressor Packages

Nov. 4, 2008
Introducing Kaeser's new Airtower compressor packages. These competitively-priced models combine a rotary screw air compressor, storage tank and dryer in one durable and compact...
Updatedcompressorguide 10130114
Training Products and Tools

Updated Compressor Guide

Nov. 3, 2008
Announcing Kaeser's updated "Cost Savings with Compressed Air System Maintenance" guide. This helpful resource is designed to help your industrial facility save money by maximizing...
Growingyourbusinesswithultrafill99dvd 10102395
Training Products and Tools

"Growing Your Business with Ultrafill 99+" DVD

Sept. 15, 2008
Kaeser offers "Growing Your Business with Ultrafill 99+" -- an interactive DVD presentation on nitrogen tire filling. Seven brief video segments cover how better handling, greater...
Compressorselectionguide 10102311
Training Products and Tools

Compressor Selection Guide

Sept. 4, 2008
Kaeser's eight-page, four-color Compressor Selection Guide provides engineering references such as a compressed air glossary, rules of thumb, troubleshooting guides and conversion...
Ultrafill99interactivedvd 10130058
Product Guide

UltraFill99+ Interactive DVD

Sept. 4, 2008
Kaeser Compressors announces "Growing Your Business with UltraFill 99+" - an interactive DVD presentation on nitrogen tire filling. This free new video walks you through the benefits...
Compressorselectionguide 10130013
Compressed Air Systems

Compressor Selection Guide

Sept. 4, 2008
Announcing Kaeser's Compressor Selection Guide! This eight-page publication takes you step-by-step through the process of evaluating and selecting the right compressor for your...
Compressedairfilters 10129566
Compressed Air Systems

Compressed Air Filters

April 14, 2008
All compressed air systems contain harmful contaminants like water droplets, dust and dirt, oils, or hydrocarbons. Kaeser Compressors has a complete line of high quality compressed...
Compressedairfilters 10101189
Compressed Air Systems

Compressed air filters

April 14, 2008
Kaeser compressed air filters remove harmful contaminants like water droplets, dirt, oil and hydrocarbons from the air. Easy to install in any air system, Kaeser filters are available...
Automaticmagneticdrainamd1550 10101044
Compressed Air Systems

automatic magnetic drain AMD 1550

March 20, 2008
Kaeser’s automatic magnetic drain, AMD 1550, removes condensate and other contaminants from air systems. AMD 1550 has working pressures to 230psi and a discharge capacity of 53gal...
Kaesercondensatefilter 10098284
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

Kaeser Condensate Filter

Feb. 26, 2008
The Kaeser Condensate Filter is designed to filter-out oil and other contaminants, making disposal of the remaining water economically safe. The KCF features a 3-stage, self-contained...
Redesignedskserieswithoptionaldryers 10098268
Product Guide

Redesigned SK Series with Optional Dryers

Feb. 26, 2008
Redesigned SK Series Kaeser Compressors introduces their newly redesigned SK series of rotary screw air compressors. The new styles are available in 15 and 20 hp models and provide...
Aircenterline 10098286
Compressed Air Systems

AirCenter line

Feb. 26, 2008
Kaeser's AirCenter line features reliable and energy-saving rotary screw compressors with the proprietary Sigma Profile airend. The SM AirCenter is available in 7.5 hp, 10 hp ...
Skaircenterseries 10098288
Shop Heating and Cooling Equipment

SK AirCenter series

Feb. 26, 2008
Kaeser Compressors introduces the SK AirCenter series with energy-saving rotary screw compressors and reliable refrigerated dryers. It is available in 15-20hp models producing...
Skseries15and20hpmodelrotaryscrewaircompressor 10098270
Compressed Air Systems

SK Series 15 and 20 HP Model Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Feb. 26, 2008
Kaeser Compressors' new SK series 15 and 20 hp model rotary screw air compressors provide 40-78 scfm with pressures to 217 psig. The SK 15 and SK 20 compressors feature a unique...
Astseriesofrotaryscrewcompressors 10098260
Compressed Air Systems

AS-T series of rotary screw compressors

Feb. 26, 2008
Kaeser Compressors introduces their AS-T series of rotary screw compressors in 20 and 25 HP models. The AS-T series uses integral refrigerated dryers and condensate drains to ...
Sxseriesscrewcompressors 10098290
Compressed Air Systems

SX series screw compressors

Feb. 26, 2008
Kaeser's 3-, 5- and 7-hp SX screw compressors are available with pressures from 80-190 psig. The SX series provides improved performance, continuous duty cycle and noise levels...