Karcher North America

Aurora, CO 80019


About Karcher North America


6398 N. Karcher Way
Aurora, CO 80019

More Info on Karcher North America

Manufacturer of Hotsy, Landa, Shark, Cuda and Karcher USA products.

Products & Press Releases

Photo from Karcher
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment


Jan. 16, 2024
The CleanWave from Karcher is a battery-powered commercial-strength cold-water pressure washer engineered to meet the demands of professional cleaning tasks by partnering with...
Natural Gas or LP-Heated Pressure Washer.
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Natural Gas or LP-Heated Pressure Washer

Aug. 2, 2013
The Natural Gas or LP-Heated Pressure Washer from Karcher delivers up to 9.5 gpm at 3,000 psi of industrial power. Built in the U.S.A., each model is constructed with anodized...
Karcherbrbd4025compactscrubber 10450129
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Compact Scrubbers

Nov. 11, 2011
Karcher introduces the BR and BD 40/25 C Bp 16" Compact Scrubbers. The 40/25 C Bp is a 16” automatic scrubber with a 6.6 gallon tank-in-tank design, providing a practical performance...
Karcherwetdryvacuumnont68beaut 10365459
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

NT 68/1 Squeegee Wet/Dry Vacuum

Sept. 22, 2011
Kärcher unveiled its new NT 68/1 Squeegee Wet/Dry Vacuum. The NT 68/1 has a 24.5” front-mounted self-adjusting squeegee offering more efficient water pickup, while its unique ...
Karchercudatoploadautomaticpartswasherno 10102096
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Karcher-Cuda top-load automatic parts washer, No. 2412

July 15, 2008
While relatively small in size, the Karcher-Cuda 2412 top-load, automatic parts washer features a rotating turntable 24" wide and a load capacity of up to 500 lbs. The parts washer...
Pghwhotwaterpressurewasher 10102061
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

PGHW Hot Water Pressure Washer

July 8, 2008
Landa's five models of the PGHW industrial-duty, self-contained hot water pressure washer deliver cleaning power up to 5,000 PSI with a flow rate of 5 GPM. The models include ...
Sddhotwaterpressurewasher 10102059
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

SDD Hot Water Pressure Washer

July 8, 2008
Landa's SDD Hot Water Pressure Washer features a dual-burner system that provides 140 degrees F temperature rise above inlet water temperature with 9.5 GPM of cleaning power at...
Partswasherno 10101744
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Parts Washer No. 2518

June 20, 2008
Using pressurized hot water and specialized industrial detergents with rust inhibitors, Cuda's top-load, extra-capacity, automatic aqueous parts washer is large enough to clean...
Cuda2530automaticpartswasher 10101614
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Cuda 2530 Automatic Parts Washer

June 20, 2008
The Cuda 2530 front-loading automatic parts washer features a wash cabinet 30" high and a rotating turntable 25" wide. The Cuda 2530 features:A vertical seal-less pump, which ...

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All content from Karcher North America

Minimaxpassthroughpartswasher 10101584
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Mini-Max Pass-Through Parts Washer

June 20, 2008
Cuda introduces thier new single-stage, conveyor parts washer, the Mini-Max. The Mini-Max's pass through parts washer features a 16" wide steel conveyor belt that carries the ...
Cuda2840frontloadpartswasher 10101552
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Cuda 2840 Front-Load Parts Washer

June 20, 2008
The Cuda 2840 features a wash cabinet 40" high and a rotating turntable 28" wide. The 2840 uses a vertical sealess pump, which the company says, has been proven to be extremely...
Manualpartswashers 10101519
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Manual Parts Washers

June 20, 2008
Cuda introduces its portable, solvent-free manual parts washer that delivers safe, effective aqueous cleaning. The unit uses environmentally friendly detergents and eliminates...
Cuda 2518 10269018
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Model 2518 Aqueous Parts Washer

Feb. 26, 2008
Cuda introduces Model 2518 extra-large, Top Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer. Model 2518 features a working height of 18" and a rotating turntable of 25". The parts are positioned...
Landawasteoilheaters 10098534
Shop Heating and Cooling Equipment

Landa waste oil heaters

Feb. 26, 2008
Landa's waste oil heaters are designed to reduce heating bills by serving as a secondary heating source, and eliminating the cost of hauling used oil off-site for disposal. The...
5000psihotwaterpressurewasher 10098532
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

5,000 PSI hot water pressure washer

Feb. 26, 2008
Landa introduces its fifth model in the line of gasoline-powered hot water pressure washers used extensively for onsite cleaning. The new washer No. PGHW5-50524E heats water using...
Lancompressurewasherhandhelddevice 10098530
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

LanCom pressure washer handheld device

Feb. 26, 2008
Landa introduces the LanCom, a new approach to activating high-pressure cleaning equipment with ultimate flexibility. Using a hand device no longer than a TV remote control, an...
Ehwallelectrichotwaterpressurewasher 10098528
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

EHW All-Electric Hot-Water Pressure Washer

Feb. 26, 2008
Landa introduces the new EHW All-Electric Hot-Water Pressure Washer, which they believe is ideal for indoor cleaning. According to the company, the EHW instantly creates hot water...
Allelectricpressurewashers 10098327
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

All-electric pressure washers

Feb. 26, 2008
All-electric pressure washers are ideal for indoor cleaning KSrcher's line of pressure washers generate instant hot water spray at the pull of a trigger, without an open flame...
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

electric-powered, diesel-heated hot water pressure washers

Feb. 26, 2008
Get a great clean with less fuel consumption KSrcher has introduced a new line of full-sized, electric-powered, diesel-heated hot water pressure washers. The eight models deliver...
Ib1580dryiceblaster 10098324
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

IB 15/80 Dry Ice Blaster

Feb. 26, 2008
Dry ice blaster picks up safely and mess-free KSrcher Industrial Products introduces the IB 15/80 Dry Ice Blaster. The highly effective and mess-free ice blaster eliminates the...
Lineofportablehotwaterpressurewashers 10098322
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

line of portable hot-water pressure washers

Feb. 26, 2008
Hot H2O New from KSrcher is a new line of portable hot-water pressure washers that are electric-powered and diesel-heated. Thus far, the line includes 3 models with:Cleaning ranges...
Electricpowereddieselheatedpressurewashers 10098320
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Electric-Powered, Diesel-Heated Pressure Washers

Feb. 26, 2008
Electric-Powered, Diesel-Heated KSrcher has introduced a new line of electric-powered, diesel-heated hot water pressure washers as part of the company's Liberty Series. All 11...
Gasengineseriesofhotwaterpressurewashers 10097921
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Gas Engine Series of hot water pressure washers

Feb. 26, 2008
Hotsy's Gas Engine Series of hot water pressure washers offers a variety of mobility options. Their belt-drive pressure washer models can be ordered in a number of different configurati...
Hweseriesallelectrichotwaterpressurewashers 10097919
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

HWE series All-Electric Hot-Water Pressure Washers

Feb. 26, 2008
Hotsy recently rolled out the new HWE series All-Electric Hot-Water Pressure Washers with:No heat and no fumes, according to the company.Instant hot water when plugged in for ...
Newchassisdesignfor900series 10097917
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

New Chassis Design for 900 Series

Feb. 26, 2008
Rugged, Weather-Resistant Design Hotsy has introduced a new chassis design for the 900 Series of hot water pressure washers. This new design is heavier than the previous model...
795ssdieselheatedhotwaterpressurewasher 10097915
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

795SS Diesel Heated Hot Water Pressure Washer

Feb. 26, 2008
New Diesel Heated Pressure Washer Hotsy has added the 795SS to its series of electric powered, diesel heated hot water pressure washers. The 795SS model delivers 2000 psi at a...
Model790sspressurewasher 10097909
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Model 790SS pressure washer

Feb. 26, 2008
Hotsy has made available their Model 790SS pressure washer. Designed for truck and fleet cleaning, the 790SS features heavy-duty construction with stainless steel coil skin, an...
Product Guide

Pressure Washers

Feb. 26, 2008
K'auml;rcher, the world's largest manufacturer of pressure washers, has introduced a commercial line of cold-water pressure washers using a hand-truck design for easy maneuvering...
Coldwaterpressurewasher 10129030
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Cold- Water Pressure Washer

Aug. 7, 2007
K'auml;rcher has introduced an innovative new line of full-sized, electric-powered, cold-water pressure washers ideal for indoor and outdoor cleaning. The four models deliver ...
Commercialdutygasolinepoweredcoldwaterpressurewashers 10127155
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

commercial-duty, gasoline-powered, cold water pressure washers.

June 25, 2007
Kärcher has introduced a new line of commercial-duty, gasoline-powered, cold water pressure washers. This heavy-duty Kärcher pressure washer is protected by a reinforced, black...
Libertyseries 10127824
Product Guide

Liberty Series

June 25, 2007
Kärcher has introduced a new line of electric-powered, diesel-heated hot water pressure washers as part of the company's Liberty Series. There are 11 models of this new hot water...
Libertyelectricskid 10128081
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Liberty Electric Skid

June 25, 2007
Kärcher has introduced a new line of self-contained, skid-mounted, electric-powered and diesel-heated hot-water pressure washers as part of the Liberty Series. There are five ...
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Dry Ice Blaster

June 25, 2007
Kärcher Industrial Products, a division of the world's largest manufacturer of high-pressure cleaning equipment of the same name, has introduced a dry ice blaster, a highly effective...