Lincoln Electric

Cleveland, OH 44117


About Lincoln Electric


22801 Saint Clair Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44117

More Info on Lincoln Electric

Lincolnelectric 10095241

The Lincoln Electric Company, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of arc welding products, robotic arc-welding systems, plasma and oxyfuel cutting equipment and has a leading global position in the brazing and soldering alloys market.

Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of Lincoln Electric
Hybrid and EV Service and Repairs

Velion DC Electric Vehicle Chargers

Dec. 4, 2023
The Lincoln Electric Velion DC Electric Vehicle Chargers are designed with industrial-grade components to deliver fast charging speeds. The Level 3, 150kW DC fast charger exceeds...
Lincoln Electric POWER MIG 211i MIG Welder
Welding Equipment

POWER MIG 211i MIG Welder

Oct. 13, 2022
The Lincoln Electric POWER MIG 211i MIG welder is a 200A machine ideal for MIG, flux-cored, and spool gun welding. The unit weighs 41 lbs and is portable thanks to its sleek design...
Lincoln Electric’s 50kW DC fast charger
Service Repair

Lincoln Electric’s 50kW DC fast charger architecture is scalable to over 300kW

Aug. 29, 2022
The company has developed a 50kW DC fast charger power module with a scalable architecture to deliver power levels over 300kW, as well as a single charge port pedestal compatible...
Viking 2450 ADV Series Welding Helmets
Welding Equipment

Viking 2450 ADV Series Welding Helmets

July 11, 2022
The Lincoln Electric Viking 2450 ADV Series Welding Helmets are auto-darkening and feature an integrated LED. Operators can easily activate or deactivate the light using a low...
Lincoln Electric Gmaw Solution
Welding Equipment

Low Silicate GMAW Solution

April 28, 2021
The Lincoln Electric Low Silicate GMAW Solution is designed to deliver high-speed, low-spatter welds with low-surface silicates to reduce post-weld cleanup and improve paint adhesion...
Updated Tusm Estackedfinal300
Training and Resources

Lincoln Electric partners with Tooling U-SME to strengthen U/LINC platform

May 31, 2019
U/LINC was established to help welding educators find the detailed curriculum resources needed for teaching welding at every level.
Photo from Lincoln Electric
Lincoln Electric Welding Technology Training Center 102017 3337
Service Repair

Lincoln's new Welding Technology & Training Center to open in 2018

Nov. 13, 2017
Classes begin in the new facility on Jan. 8.
Electric Realweld Advanced Trainer 58237b2b230dd

Electric REALWELD advanced trainer

Nov. 8, 2016
The Lincoln Electric REALWELD Advanced Trainer helps students master MIG, stick and flux-cored processes with immediate in-booth feedback and analysis. Users can practice multi...
Lincoln Electric RP6 Weldable Rust Preventative Fluid 577c17c651a7d

RP6 Weldable Rust Preventative Fluid

July 1, 2016
The Lincoln Electric RP6 Weldable Rust Preventative Fluid provides up to six months of indoor corrosion protection by preventing rust on ferrous metals, while not adversely impacting...
2009productcatalog 10103197
Training Products and Tools

2009 product catalog

March 12, 2009
Lincoln Electric released its 2009 product catalog featuring a number of high-profile, celebrity welders, as well as showcasing the company's comprehensive product offerings. ...

Articles & News

April Most Wanted Tools 2023
Tool Distributor

Most Wanted Tools: April 2023

The PPTAMP and PPTPWM Adapters, Super Relay Buddy Pro Kit, and POWER MIG 211i MIG Welder are some of this month's most popular tools and equipment among auto repair techs.
Most Wanted Tools December 2022
Tool Distributor

Most Wanted Tools: December 2022

The Wing Mount/Demount Head, Adjustable Brake Caliper Tool, and TechRITEPro are some of the popular items among auto repair techs.


Dan Ziemnik

Marketing Communications Specialist

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All content from Lincoln Electric

Miniworkbenchreelforairwateroroilapplications 10100939
Hoses and Reels

mini workbench reel for air/water or oil applications

March 3, 2008
Lincoln's mini workbench reel for air/water or oil applications has a 5-1/4" width and 14" spool, making it easy to install under workbenches or in cabinets. The reel's 1" quality...
Arcweldingsafetyguide 10096871
Training Products and Tools

Arc Welding Safety Guide

Feb. 26, 2008
The Lincoln Electric Co. has released an updated Arc Welding Safety Guide which highlights safe practices based on practical experiences. Potential hazards to welders include ...
Xtractor1gcportableweldingfumeextractor 10096875
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

X-Tractor 1GC portable welding fume extractor

Feb. 26, 2008
Clean and quiet portable welding fume extractor Lincoln's X-Tractor 1GC is a portable, high vacuum/low vacuum extraction system specifically designed for the removal and filtration...
Lincolnelectricproductscatalog 10096877
Training Products and Tools

Lincoln Electric products catalog

Feb. 26, 2008
Lincoln Electric releases new products catalog Lincoln Electric's latest, expanded product catalog highlights the company's complete line of equipment, including welders, wire...
Invertecexpansion 10128991
Product Guide

Invertec Expansion

Aug. 1, 2007
The Lincoln Electric Company announces the expansion of its Invertec® line with the upgrade of the popular Invertec V205-T AC/DC TIG welder and the new V205-T DC. The Invertec...
Weldingcart 10125539
Product Guide

Welding Cart

June 25, 2007
The Lincoln Electric Welding Cart can store and transport a Lincoln welder, gas cylinder, welding cables and accessories. It has an angled top shelf for easy access to welder ...
Sp175tsp175plus 10125541
Product Guide

SP-175T ' SP-175 Plus

June 25, 2007
Lincoln's SP-175T gives you the power you need, the portability you want and the performance you demand. it includes most of the essentials for MIG welding on mild steel. The ...
Powerwave455mroboticand455msttrobotic 10125587
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Power Wave 455M Robotic and 455M/STT Robotic

June 25, 2007
The new Power Wave 455M Robotic and 455M/STT Robotic are high performance, digitally controlled inverter welding power sources. They can be part of a modular, multi-purpose welding...
Nextweld 10125589
Shop Management and Point of Sale


June 25, 2007
Nextweld incorporates technologies, products and processes to create a flexible arc welding platform that adapts to virtually any welding application. Operators have the ability...
Model203automaticlubricationpump 10126865
Cordless Tools

Model 203 Automatic Lubrication Pump

June 25, 2007
Lincoln has made significant improvements to its Model 203 Automatic Lubrication Pump. The pump's new bayonet connector provides extra protection from weather and wash downs, ...
Universalquickfilladapter 10127146
Shop Equipment

Universal Quickfill Adapter

June 25, 2007
Lincoln offers a new Model 273921 Universal Quickfill Adapter for its 2-liter, 4-liter and 8-liter Quicklub pumps. The adapter allows the user to turn any grease gun into a tool...