PB Swiss Tools/Count On Tools, Inc.

Gainesville, GA 30501


About PB Swiss Tools/Count On Tools, Inc.


2481 Hilton Dr, Suite 3
Gainesville, GA 30501

More Info on PB Swiss Tools/Count On Tools, Inc.

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PB Swiss Tools specializes in high quality hand tools that are designed for professionals requiring precision, and optimum performance. All products are 100% Swiss-made and backed by an unlimited lifetime guarantee, so you never have to worry about buying another tool again. We are familiar with the demands that professionals and mechanics place on these first-class tools that are in daily use in over 30 countries world-wide. These tools get the job done, period.

Products & Press Releases

Rainbow Torx Key L-Wrenches

Rainbow Torx Key L-Wrenches

Sept. 24, 2012
Count On Tools' Torx Key L-Wrenches use color coding to make it easy to quickly locate, assign and safely apply the right tool. The different colors indicate differences in size...
Cot Pb Tools Rainbow Parallel 10757901
Hand Tools

Rainbow Series parallel pin punch tools No. PB755

Aug. 9, 2012
Count On Tools Inc. offers PB Swiss Tools' rainbow parallel pin punch tools, with color-coded features that set them apart. Each tool is powdercoated with bright colors for easy...
Cot Pb Tools Insider 3 Long To 10739792
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

Insider 3 Long Tool Screwdriver

July 9, 2012
Count On Tools Inc. announces that PB Swiss Tools has introduced the Insider 3 Long Tool. PB Swiss Tools' Insider combines 10 different screwdrivers into one lightweight, compact...
Cot Pb Tools Expanded Rainbow 10732057

Rainbow Assortment Color-Coded Tools

June 20, 2012
Count On Tools Inc. offers the PB Swiss Tools Rainbow assortment, tools that are color-coded according to size and function. Since color is retained more easily in memory, color...
Cotholdin 10163476

Holding Ring Hex Keys

June 22, 2011
Count On Tools' Holding Ring Hex Keys allow fasteners to be inserted or removed in hard-to-reach locations without the fastener falling off the tool and without sacrificing strength...
Cotcrossh 10164390
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

Crosshandle Screwdriver with Rapid Turn Sleeve, No. 207LT

Aug. 10, 2010
PB Swiss Tools’ Crosshandle Screwdriver Set with Rapid Turn Sleeve, No. 207LT, allows precise control of the blade with one hand and rapid turning with the other. The asymmetric...
Cotkeydis 10147348
Tool Accessories

KeyDisc Holders

June 16, 2010
PB Swiss Tools’ KeyDisc Holder is available for all chromed L-wrenches as well as for the powdercoated RainBow versions size 1/5mm-10 mm. The clear disc can be rotated around ...
Cotprecis 10146864
Tool Accessories

PrecisionBit Series

June 15, 2010
PB Swiss Tools' PrecisionBits, from Count On Tools, are color-coded according to screw type and size and are available in a variety of styles, including standard C6, power tool...
Keydisctoolholder 10105912
Toolboxes and Tool Carts

KeyDisc tool holder

July 13, 2009
The PB Swiss Tools KeyDisc holds key L-wrenches ready-at-hand in every situation. The holder offers a magnet and pin hole, and is available for all chrome L-wrenches as well as...
Ratchetscrewdrivers 10103843
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

Ratchet Screwdrivers

May 21, 2009
The PB Swiss Tools Ratchet Screwdrivers quickly tighten and loosen screws in any situation, from DIY repair work to precision assembly operations. Adaptable with the full range...


Zach Shook

Marketing Director

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All content from PB Swiss Tools/Count On Tools, Inc.

Colorcodedhandtools 10101206

Color-Coded Hand Tools

April 21, 2008
The time when tools are gray and boring is over. PB Swiss Tools brings true color, excitement and multiple benefits to everyday work. The color-coded hand tool set from PB Swiss...
Multitorqueadjustabletorquewrenchscrewdriver 10101204
Drivers, Nut Drivers, Screwdrivers

MultiTorque Adjustable Torque Wrench Screwdriver

April 21, 2008
In machining and delicate assembly work, it is important to control the tightening torque for screws. MultiTorque Adjustable Torque Wrench Screwdriver from PB Swiss Tools makes...