ALTe Powertrain Technologies

Auburn Hills, MI 48326


About ALTe Powertrain Technologies


4425 Purks Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
United States

More Info on ALTe Powertrain Technologies

ALTe is the developer of the first range-extended plug-in electric hybrid powertrain used to repower light commercial vehicles. The system will be retrofit into existing fleet vehicles as well as used in "glider" applications of new vehicles to dramatically increase their fuel economy and lower emissions. Designed to replace a base V-8 internal combustion engine powertrain, the system's patented technology improves fuel economy from 80 percent to 200 percent. Based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, the company is headquartered in a 185,000-square-foot facility where it will assemble its powertrains that will be shipped to installation locations across North America.

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