Hunter Engineering's TCX575 is a tire changer combines traditional design elements with advanced capabilities to service everything from simple steel wheels to low-profile tires on large-diameter rims. An automatic swing-arm, which saves space over tilt-column designs, locks to preset wheel diameter and width positions to speed service of same-size wheels. The twin-cylinder tabletop clamping system handles 12- to 30-inch wheels and adjusts to two work positions. A two-speed drive system operates at a low speed with increased torque to prevent damage to wheels and tire beads when servicing tough combinations. The leverless tool head operates with one switch to smoothly insert itself and lift the bead over the rim edge. The elimination of bead levers lessens the stress on the operator and prevents potential damage to beads and rims. The patented Bead Press System includes multiple pressing arms and a locking lower roller disc arm to aid in clamping, lubricating, demounting and mounting difficult wheels. The wheel press arms simplify external clamping and aid in blocking and pressing stiff low-profile tire beads into deep drop-center wheels. The locking lower arm helps lift heavy tires during demounting and holds tires in place while spinning the rim to complete match-mounting service.