Hunter's TC3100 Tire Changer has an automatic tilt-column design, which allows technicians to serive tires and wheels easier by returning the column and mounting head to the same position when switching out same-size wheels. The tilt-column feature also enables the technican to work from the same position at the front pf the machine during mounting and demounting procedures, as well as being able to handle tires up to 39" in diameter and 15" in width. The TC3100:
Has a twin-cylinder tabletop clamping system clamps evenly as the unit ages and wears and the clamp ing jaws can be clamped internally on steel wheels up to 22" in diamater or externally on alloy wheels up to 20" in diameter.
Has nilon inserts that protect alloy wheels when clamping externally.
Features a side shovel bead loosener, that is foot operated and contains a quick-exhausting air valve circuit, to speed up the bead-loosening process.
Contains an inflation pedal and pressure gauge location keeping the operator out of the tire failure dan ger zone.
Has an integrated pressure limiter that inflates tires quickly and prevents overinflation.
Offers an optional "Plus Device" that increases the ability of the TC3100 to service high-performance tire and custom rim combinations.