Clean Air Fleet Fuel Enhancer is a patented blend of environmentally safe materials which is both EPA and CARB registered.Years of testing and use confirms the following:
Dramatically decreases harmful exhaust emissions by 25% to 50%
Increases fuel economy
Reduces fuel system maintenance costs by up to 10%
Prolongs useful life of equipment; reducing the need for future capital outlay
Provides valuable Health and Safety benefit
Cold Flow Pour Point Improver
Prevents Gelling & Water in Fuels
Algae/Sludge Remover
Eliminates EGR valve fouling and reduces diesel particulate filter (DPF) regenerations saving time, money, and increasing DPF life.
Improves Combustion by reducing fuel surface tension and introducing additional oxygen to the combustion process.
Reduced surface tension allows better atomization so more of the fuel molecule to exposed to oxygen during the combustion process
Oxygenates enable a more complete fuel burn providing better fuel economy and more power.
The improved combustion reduces hazardous emissions and particulate matter (PM) through a more efficient yet lower temperature combustion process.
Replaces lost lubrication of ULSD and improves the performance and extends the life of pumps and injectors, reducing maintenance costs.
Provides lubricity equal to that of 3000 ppm sulfur content fuel
Increased Lubrication to the upper cylinder area, valves and top rings reduces blow-by thus improving efficiency and reducing oil contamination and dilution
Promotes molecular balance in the fuel and makes it shelf and tank stable, thus enhancing the oxidation stability of straight diesel, biodiesel blends, gasoline and gasoline ethanol blends