C-RHEX Cleanable, Reversible Magnetic Hex Drivers Line

Nov. 23, 2020
Crhex 6mm8mm Mshc Mshxlc Apart 5fbc2354646a7

The Malco Products C-RHEX Cleanable, Reversible Magnetic Hex Drivers Line feature 6mm and 8mm, or 8mm and 10mm hex sizes to enhance productivity and flexibility on the job for trade professionals. Available in three lengths (2", 4", and 6"), C-RHEX millimeter hex drivers are quick to set up and change between sizes, while the driver shank remains installed in the drill chuck. Built with S2 hardened steel for long life and superior durability, these C-RHEX drivers offer an indestructible, easy-to-clean magnet to attract sheet metal shavings that automotive repair technicians can quickly remove with the swipe of a glove or towel.

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