The Snap-on Ethos Edge is a full function scan tool built with enhanced features. The Ethos Edge delivers codes, live data graphing, functional tests, relearns and adaptations. It provides coverage for nearly 50 domestic, Asian and European vehicle makes dating back to 1983, as well as OEM-specific coverage for over 100 vehicle systems, including TPMS, hybrid power, collision avoidance and steering angle sensor. Time-saving features include auto vehicle ID to read the VIN and One-Touch Code Scan and Clear, which reads all available vehicle systems. The tool also offers special functions, such as brake bleeding, steering angle reset, battery relearn and service light reset. The Steady-Charge battery system in the ETHOS Edge charges the lithium-ion battery from the vehicle. It boots-up in five seconds and can be operated with touchscreen functionality or the four-way keypad. Software can be upgraded online at any time with ShopStream Connect.

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