Cummins Engine V5 Software Release, No. EEHD843003

Sept. 1, 2023

The Cummins Engine V5 Software Release, No. EEHD843003, from Snap-on, makes it easier for technicians to manage regen, adjust speed parameters/idle adjustments, test emission systems, display historical records, perform AFT SCR performance testing, and diagnose rough-running engines. Users can change the minimum speed for regen, clean the diesel particulate filter system, monitor/rest the SCR system, and disable fuel injectors to troubleshoot misfires. The software supports pre-EPA 07-EPA 20 and natural gas engines ranging from 1994 to present, including B6.7, L9, X12/X15, ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, N14, M11, and industrial off-road Q series engines.

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