Spectrum training on DVD Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc., the leader in 802.11 Wi-Fi ' RF propagation analysis test equipment, released a new training tutorial DVD for users of the BumbleBee™ handheld spectrum analyzer. This DVD is for both BumbleBee™ customers as well as RF enthusiasts. The dual layer DVD was created from a BVS RF product training session taped over 8 hours, and was trimmed down to 3 hours of concise RF engineering and surveying features, as well as tips for owners. DVD includes:
Why, when and where to use a spectrum analyzer
Mechanical layout, accessories and startup
HP iPAQ tips when used with BumbleBee™
Operational segments regarding spectrogram, persistence, histogram, data logging, time markers, screen snapshots, resolution bandwidth, interference ID assist, triggers and video smoothing.