The Alliance adds Service Center Advisory Council members
The Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance added five shops to its Service Center Advisory Council this year. The shops and new members are Daryl Kulscar (Driven Automotive, Regina, Sask.); VJ Sabanaygam (VJ’s Auto Service, Arcadia, Calif.); Jeff Sexton (Sexton’s Automotive, Fairborn, Ohio); Joe Gibbons (Gibbons Automotive, Inc., Media, Pa.); and Jack Eichenberg (Sunset Automotive, Chandler, Ariz.).
The Alliance’s Service Center Advisory Council is a group of North America’s top tier shop owners who are appointed to advise and counsel the Alliance on business matters critical to shop owners.
Being appointed to the Service Center Advisory Council is not just ceremonious recognition for being a large shop. Members are asked to attend quarterly meetings, either in person or via teleconference, to consider broad industry and economic trends and how the service/repair business will be impacted by them. Additionally, they provide input and guidance to review and develop any new programs related to Certified Service Centers and provide direction to the Alliance Sales and Marketing Committee and Headquarters staff. Members act as a representative voice of all Alliance customers in business matters related to service centers.
The Service Center Advisory Council consists of 10 active members. Each member of the council serves a two-year term with a new five members being selected every year. In addition, two members of previous councils that have served with distinction are asked to return at each annual retreat.
The next annual retreat is scheduled for the last week of September. The event is being hosted by Bosch at their facilities in and around Charlotte, N.C. where the council will attend a three day face-to-face session including working sessions and tours of Bosch training, research and manufacturing facilities.
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