GAAS to address multiple issues impacting the global aftermarket

Jan. 1, 2020
  Now in its 18th year, GAAS brings together industry leaders and experts to examine the issues and trends affecting the worldwide automotive aftermarket and influencing its future.  

Now in its 18th year, the annual two-day Global Automotive Aftermarket Symposium (GAAS) brings together industry leaders and experts to examine the issues and trends affecting the worldwide automotive aftermarket and influencing its future.

Presented May 21and 22 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont, Ill., GAAS Chairman Denny Welvaert recently addressed a series of questions for Aftermarket Business World about the event:

Q: What can the industry expect to experience at the Global Automotive Aftermarket Symposium?

A: Attendees will have a great opportunity to get the latest updates on a number of different topics ranging from what to expect from the automotive OEs, the state of the economy, how Wall Street views the aftermarket, how to take advantage of the new social media and the latest on the Internet and how it is being used for parts and service. These sessions are from recognized experts in their fields.

The symposium also has some great panels featuring top industry executives and experts that will talk about their view from all steps in the channel, i.e., distribution, manufacturing and the professional mechanic.

Finally, we will get the perspective of some new young talent and get their views of the industry in a presentation called “Future Leaders Speak Out.” This will be a refreshing way to get a different view of the aftermarket from some of our recent GAAS scholarship recipients.

For the first time in GAAS history, we will have four great breakout sessions that will allow the attendees to take a much deeper dive into critical issues all industry participants are facing. This includes succession planning, employee motivation and retention, how to get the most out of a company’s most valuable asset, it’s associates, and finally the latest industry trends and statistics.

Let’s not forget the great opportunity to network with over 300 of the top decision makers in the industry. GAAS 2013 will be a great experience!

Q: What is the theme of this year’s GAAS?

A: The theme for GAAS 2013 is “Driving Change!” If there is anything consistent in our industry, it is that things will change and change rapidly. The 2013 GAAS theme reflects that and gives attendees the tools to handle change in a positive way.

Q: What is the driving purpose behind GAAS?

A: GAAS has a dual purpose. First, GAAS is designed to give decision makers the information they need to make key decisions to successfully position their companies to excel in the future. GAAS programs are put together to give attendees a perspective on trends that will be occurring three to five years in the future.

Secondly, GAAS is put on primarily by volunteers. The proceeds from GAAS, once symposium expenses are covered, all go to scholarships for young people that want to get into our industry.  One of the key questions that comes up at most industry meetings is, “Where will the new talent come from?” GAAS addresses that need by helping get new talent trained. Scholarships are primarily given to people that will be attending trade school to become a professional mechanic, but also to people that will be attending a four-year college or university. Last year GAAS gave out $111,000 in scholarships to over 100 winners. Since it began, GAAS has given out over $1.6 million in scholarships to 1,600 winners.

Q: How can people in the aftermarket industry benefit by taking part in the event?

A: GAAS 2013 is chock full of great information, detailed breakout sessions and outstanding networking opportunities. All of these sessions will give attendees something to take back to their businesses and help make them better. What is left over will go to outstanding students to study aftermarket topics and become the next wave of industry leaders.

Q: What are some of the key topics to be discussed?

A: What is happening with the automotive OE industry, how will this fragile economy affect us all, how do we take advantage of social media in our businesses and how the Internet can be best used to help businesses succeed. Let’s not forget succession planning and how to get the most out of our employees. We will also hear the latest issues from manufacturers, WDs and shop owners.

Q: Google Automotive’s Danielle Russell is among the presenters; what is the subject of her talk?

A: GAAS 2013 is really excited to have Danielle Russell from Google give us her views on the Internet and how it is affecting consumer trends. The Internet is growing rapidly in the aftermarket, and there are no better experts on the Internet than Google.

Q: Who are some of the other panel participants, and what types of insight will they be sharing?

A: GAAS 2013 has some outstanding panels led by top industry leaders; Bill Long, president and CEO of AASA (Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association) will lead a panel of manufacturing leaders which will speak about the challenges of regulation, parts complexity and globalization and how successful companies are addressing them; Larry Northup, senior director of AWDA (Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association), will take a panel of outstanding WDs and get their perspective on the challenges facing distributors and how they have solved the issues facing them; Ron Pyle, president and chief staff executive of ASA (Automotive Service Association), will give us the perspective of the repair shop owner. After all, without the repair shop, the rest of the industry doesn’t even exist. It will be very informative to hear what they need and what they want their supplier’s to know.

Q: What can attendees expect to learn during the breakout sessions?

A: The breakout sessions are a new feature at this year’s GAAS, and I believe a hidden gem that every attendee will enjoy. We’ve assembled a lineup of top-notch presenters to look at some issues in greater depth. One particular breakout session will be conducted by Susan Rounds of Wells Fargo Wealth Management on family business and wealth. If you are business owner in the aftermarket this is one session you won’t want to miss. It could help answer the question: “Is your business going to survive?”

The other sessions are just as important on improving employee morale and customer loyalty, groundbreaking trends impacting the automotive aftermarket, and successfully closing the gap between strategic planning and execution. Attendees will have the chance to attend two of the four breakouts scheduled.

Q: GAAS and the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association’s (AAIA) Aftermarket eForum are co-locating this year; what does this mean for the attendees?

A: For the first time GAAS and the eForum are co-locating. It is our combined belief that with this approach, attendees can attend two critical conferences while reducing travel time and expense from the two meetings being held independently. In a way, it is the same theory as having an Industry Week in the fall in Las Vegas. Several shows are combined along with AWDA, educational opportunities and a lot of networking. There is not enough time in the calendar to attend all of these as individual meetings so co-locating is a proven way to providing great service with the minimization of time and expense.

We’ve also structured a nice discount when attendees register for both events.

Q: What are some of the logistical details of GAAS, and where can people get more information if they are interested in attending?

GAAS 2013 is May 21and 22 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont, Ill., just five minutes from O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. Information on GAAS 2013 is available at the website.

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About the Author

James Guyette

James E. Guyette is a long-time contributing editor to Aftermarket Business World, ABRN and Motor Age magazines.

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