On his previous experience as a UPS route driver:
“I set my route up where I try to make no left-hand turns. I try to make all right-hand turns. You’d be surprised how much more efficient that makes me. You’re not crossing lanes of traffic all the time.”
On sales tactics and (not) selling high-ticket items:
“I’m one to talk my guys out of large toolbox purchases. I’m a realist when it comes to (sales). We’re not high-pressure. If the guys want something, they’re going to tell me. If not, I’m here.”
On stocking certain inventory on the truck:
“I carry a lot of U.S.A.-made stuff; and some non-U.S.A. made stuff, because some people want the best of both worlds. Or, they just want the option. You’re going to pay more for stuff made here.”
On sharing inventory between both trucks:
“That’s the beauty of having two trucks. If there’s something I don’t have or vice versa, he’ll ‘rob’ it from me, I’ll ‘rob’ it from him.”
On taking credit card payments:
“I do it on my phone. I let my guys know I prefer cash or check. That’s with anybody, because everybody has to pay fees on the credit card. But credit cards are a necessary evil.”
On finding skip accounts through social media:
“I’m a Facebook stalker when it comes to bad accounts. It’s amazing what you can find online, if you’re very patient and just look.”
On his long beard, he’s grown out for 15 months:
“I’ve never grown a beard; my dad hates it. He asked if I was going to shave it before this interview. My wife loves it, and that’s why I have it.”