The world according to J.D. Whittington

Sept. 11, 2017
This Salt Lake City, Utah-based Mac Tools distributor shares what he has learned on his route since establishing his business in January 2013.

On selling toolboxes: “I do okay; I don't sell a ton of them. I think there are a lot of guys that focus on them, but toolbox deals take a while. It can be a bit of an ordeal, and it can bog you down. I pay attention when guys are wanting them. I'll definitely go after them, and I can get them a lot of times. But a lot of guys just focus on them [and] they miss all the tools. Boxes are good money, but the tools to fill it are where the money is at.”

On sales: “Whoever thinks sales is a dirty sport? Guess what, be honest. Then it's not a bad sport. You don't have to worry about lying, or worry about what story you told. [If you’re honest], it's the same story every time.”

On being honest with customers: It's a small community, especially with social media. Being a technician, you screw one guy, it spreads. So your past can catch you in a hurry.”

On potential customers: “You're worth taking a chance on. Everybody's worth taking a chance. I don't know who you are; you're a cover right now, so I can’t judge you by your cover.”

On self-motivation: “Go get that dollar. Go try. Go better yourself. Go be happy, don't be miserable. I could suck all day long and be down about it and call it a day, and go home. Or, I can push hard and weirdly enough at the end of the day? I just did a grand at that shop. It's a good day. You make your own destiny.”

On toting and promoting: “The simplest thing for this job is toting [tools into a shop], especially for new guys to get business, and they won't do it. They think they'll be pushy. Just carry it. Talk about it. They didn't want to buy it until you put it in their hands, and they grab a hold of it. They've got to feel [the tool], they've got to touch [the tool].”

On taking care of your customer base: “You don't get another 500 guys. If you piss off the first 500 you fire yourself. We are our own bosses, but we actually have about 300 to 400 of them (bosses), and they will fire you individually.”

On making a profit: “Being your own boss isn't freedom. People will get in here, and they'll do it and treat it like freedom. We had a guy that I referred, he would go and sell a toolbox, then take the rest of the week off. That's when you keep going. The rest of the week is now profit. Every bill from then on is profit. Once you hit your break even, once your bills are paid, every dollar you make is in the bank like that's when you start making [money]."

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