All you have to do is close a higher percentage of your sales, right? It’s that straightforward. So, what are the steps to take?
1. Come up with a baseline of how many high-value presentations you gave last year. I know you don’t know exactly, but just give it a good guess.
2. Of those presentations you gave last year how many resulted in a high-value sale? (Step 1 divided by step 2 will give you your closing ratio).
3. Develop a plan to realistically increase the number of high-value presentations you want to give this year.
Remember – even if you are not a presentation star, the more times you get up to bat the more hits you will get just by showing up. Here are some ideas:
- A social media campaign publishing a picture of every customer who purchases a high-value order will get others interested, and continually show them you mean business.
- In addition to the usual monthly promo brochure, hand out brochures on higher-value products on every call.
- Ask, ask, and ask again for the opportunity to present your products to a technician who needs what you are selling or has an old version that needs updating.
- Host a before-work “Donuts and demos” session to give an overall demo to all interested technicians. Follow this up by speaking to each attendee individually about their possible interest.
Closing lots of small sales keeps your business running, your attitude up, and puts food on the table. The high-value sales put your kids through college and get you a new Harley or a super vacation.