Too Busy to Listen: This customer will not sit still to listen to the details of the product and then comes back to you after the sale asking either how the tool works or why it won’t do something. They are distracted easily.
In my opinion these people are the worst to sell to. You really need to get these people away from as many distractions as possible — get them on the truck with the door closed.
Be sure to look Mr. Too Busy in the eye when you speak to them. Eye-to-eye contact gets attention. Trial close a lot as you do your presentation and ask a lot of questions; this will help them focus.
You will probably need to use a hard close on Mr. Too Busy because, oftentimes, they snap to attention when you ask them to buy and they realize they don’t know exactly what they are buying. Do not let them out of your grasp. Close hard since they are likely to forget pretty much all you’ve told them if they get off the truck.
A good review close should work here. “Mr. Busy, as we went through this product you said you liked Feature/Advantage/Benefit 1, correct? FAB 2, correct? FAB 3, correct? (and so on) So, based on you liking all the benefits of this product let us get the paperwork out of the way, OK?” Remember, now is when you remain absolutely quiet and make them answer you.