After picking up his new tool truck, Mac Tools dealer Dave Fulkman packed the truck full of tools – all organized and with a purpose, because that’s how this tool dealer likes it.
“I like to keep things very organized,” he says. “I don’t like clutter. As much as I try to pack it all in, I don’t like things unorganized.”
To help keep him organized, Fulkman utilizes pull-out drawers.
“I like pull-out drawers,” he says. “I have 12 pull-out drawers and they are all organized with wrenches, electrical, lighting, bit sets, […]. [This way] I’m able to fit more on the truck.”
He also uses every space strategically, including the ceiling.
“I can’t stand seeing a truck with a bare ceiling, so my ceiling is packed full,” he says. He has tools from mirrors and magnets to pick-up tools, scrapers, and pliers. “When you look up, it’s not just random,” he adds. “Everything has a purpose.”