Should you run into a customer who simply has a hard time making up their mind, the airplane close may do the trick.
Customer: “For me, this is a big decision, and I just am not sure what to do.”
Jobber: “I agree with you that it’s a big decision. I’m sure when you think about it, you make big decisions every day of your life and pretty much all of them come out perfect. It’s kind of like getting on an airplane. You know that a very small number of planes crash each day and yet you get on the plane and happily fly to your destination, don’t you? Well, this decision is somewhat the same. You’ve bought from me before and it has worked out very well and you’ve been happy with the outcome. Just like that vacation flight you took. Plus, with me, if you don’t like your decision, you can simply return the product and we’ll find the right one for you, OK?