Here’s an idea you probably never thought of: Invest a day or two and do a ride-along with a successful mobile jobber in your area. It could be fun and relaxing, and you may learn a trick or two, and a few days off your truck may be all the spark you need.
Go to the Professional Distributor website. Access their archives and read some of the previous Go Sell Something articles. Go on Amazon and type “The One Minute Salesperson”. It’s one of the best sales skills books available.
A great thing about a career in sales is that it is simply a matter of numbers. If you go stand on a street corner holding a bag of dirt and ask every person walking on that street, "Hey, do you want to buy some dirt?” It may take 100 or 1000 people but sooner or later someone will say yes. As you get better at presenting your dirt, it will take fewer prospects to sell your dirt. The better you get at your dirt presentation, your dirt sales will continue to pick up. In other words, the better you get, the less people you will need to talk to whom will buy your dirt.
It's no different with pliers, screwdrivers, and tool storage if you prepare well. Make as many presentations as you can. If you learn what went well, and what you could improve after each presentation. If you trial close and ask for the order, it is guaranteed your sales will improve.