Sales Tip: Back to basics with your tool truck: Asking for help
April 18, 2024
This month we're going back to basics with running your tool truck. In this sales tip, we'll be covering asking for help.
- Ask for help. Yea, yea I know. You’re too cool or macho for that and afraid to look weak or helpless by asking for help. Don’t be a knucklehead! You will look a lot worse when you miss your next truck payment.
- A request for help from your DM or company trainer can’t hurt since that is what they are there for. I’m sure you know some of your brand's superstars. Call a few of them and ask for help. Overall people love to be able to help a friend or associate in need.
- Here’s an idea you probably never thought of — invest a day or two and do a ride-along with a successful mobile jobber in your area. It could be fun, relaxing, and you may learn a trick or two. Just a day or two off your truck may be all the spark you need.
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