Sales Tip: Basic vs. technical demonstrations

Aug. 9, 2024
Demonstrating a wrench is straightforward, but presenting the latest scan tool needs an entirely different approach.

There are some basic product presentations where the product is simple, similar to other products, and the features and benefits are easy to present, like the OTC 20-Ton Truck Loading Ramp being demonstrated above. For those products, the preparation should be minimal, but for more expensive and technical items, the more you prepare the better. Especially with the more technical products -- take the TrueSensor Universal TPMS Diagnostic Tool for example.

Just on the outside of the product case, ten features are listed along with four programming modes. On top of those ten, are fourteen more features listed in their online literature. That’s a lot of great features for you to remember along with the benefits for each.

You can’t just waltz into a presentation, take this tool out of the box, and wing your way through a demonstration.  You’re going to be asking this technician for a lot of money and you need to be fully prepared to meet your prospects’ expectations.          

The funny thing about demonstrating a product with a lot of features,  like this product with its 24 main features and benefits, is if you know everything there is to know about 23 of those features you can bet that the very next person you demo to will ask you about number 24. It never fails!

One last side note of caution.  If you’re demonstrating a technical product that plugs in or has batteries be darn sure to test the product yourself before the demo. Doing a demo with a non-working product is just not fun.

No matter how good you are at your job and how much you prepare, every once in a while a demo just goes bad. Don’t give up. Just stop, regroup, and get back at it.

About the Author

Alan Sipe | President, Toolbox Sales and Consulting

Alan W. Sipe has spent the last 42 years in the basic hand tool industry including positions as President of KNIPEX Tools North America, Sr. VP Sales and Marketing at Klein Tools, Manager Special Markets at Stanley Tools and sales management at toolbox manufacturer Waterloo Industries. Currently Sipe is the owner of Toolbox Sales and Consulting specializing in sales strategy, structure, development and training. Sipe can be reached at [email protected] or 847-910-1063. Connect with Sipe on LinkedIn.

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