Although the work never stops for most of our audience, the year is coming to a close. Join us as we take a look back at some of the most popular Show Me Your Truck articles from Professional Distributor in 2024.
5. Ricardo Ortiz, Mac Tools
Ortiz started as a distributor in 2006, and when we spoke to him earlier this year, he was celebrating his eighteenth anniversary. His route and customer base have changed over the years, but Ortiz's dedication to his community hasn't wavered. Although his truck stops at more heavy duty facilities nowadays, he still services some independent repair shops. Check out his truck setup here.
4. Kevin Richardt, Independent
While some tool trucks are decked out with exterior lighting setups or extensive customizations, other distributors choose to go with a simpler design. Richardt took the simple approach and bought a stripped-down truck before outfitting it with the basic necessities. Although it is simple, it's incredibly effective. Take a look at the fresh interior of Richardt's truck here.
3. Gary Granados, Cornwell Quality Tools
Granados walked away from the automotive industry after years as a technician, but the idea of being a distributor brought him back. He's now been driving his own truck for seven years, and earlier this year, he had to upgrade to a bigger one. See more of his impressive new truck here.
2. Hal Holbert, Independent
The first thing on Hal Holbert's mind when he left his flag and became an independent was what customized design he was going to put on his truck. Holbert left some of the customizations his truck's previous owner added and added one big addition of his own: a snack station. Read the full article here.
1. AJ Bowlin and Stewart Brown, Mac Tools
Bowlin and Brown basically designed their truck from the ground up, adding a ton of features designed to improve their day-to-day work. The shining star of the customizations is the tool chute they added after getting tired of storing the broken tools they get handed in the boxes on the truck. “But you go to sell the box and now you've got a drawer full of broken tools,” Bowlin says. “You gotta figure out where to put them, so we had a chute put in this truck.” Take a look at their complete setup (and see a video of the pre-customization truck) here.