Each tool distributor has their own way of getting customers out and onto their truck. For Brian Wendl and Amanda Cunningham, a Mac Tools distributing duo, one of their main motivators is the sense of community they’ve created with all their customers.
“Our relationship with our customers is both business and friendship,” says Wendl. “We love our weekends, both for catching up on work and for our favorite relaxing activities, but it’s a rare one we’re not at a birthday party or shower for a customer turned friend.”
To better serve that community, the duo had to move to a bigger truck. As a result, they achieved No. 1 in the Nation for Mac Tools and swept the awards that year, winning Regional Excellence, Eagle Award, Presidents Club, No. 1 Single Truck, The Goodson Award, The Founder’s Award, and a new award created that year— The Diagnostic Award.
“Our success is due to our strong work ethic and the care we have for our customers and community,” Wendl says. “We try to give back every day for it.”