Now I understand that in a normal work week, you make sales calls to 200 or so technicians. I know that each call is important, but some are really important. By really important I mean the presentation of a $12,000-$15,000 tool storage system or a big-time piece of technical equipment. These don’t happen every day and you really need to be set up for success for these important transactions.
Even though this is a work purchase and not a personal purchase, people normally make big decisions the same way.
Just think of the last time you bought a new personal vehicle. You were initially with the salesperson who reviewed the features and benefits of the vehicle you were interested in. They then got you sitting in the driver’s seat and started using words like “your car”, and "your pride of ownership” so that you started to feel like this was your vehicle.
Next, you went on a test drive for you to get a feel for your new vehicle. And by now the salesperson is phrasing things to reduce your “sticker shock.” After the test drive, you probably went to the salesperson’s quiet desk or even a private room without distractions to close the deal.
What I’m getting at here is that the shop floor is absolutely not the setup location to close a big deal. There are too many noises and activity distractions and potentially prying coworkers to butt in during your presentation. Just think of asking a prospect for $12,000 with an air hammer pounding in the next shop bay. Your mobile store, a breakfast location before work, at lunch, or even the prospect's home are all better locations to close a big deal. The shop floor is not.
Back in my Knipex days, when our team was getting ready for a big presentation at the major automotive brands or major industrial distributors, we were 100 percent set up for success. We developed and rehearsed a presentation based on that prospect’s needs. We were prepared to answer whatever questions and objections that might come up. We had respect for those we were calling on and had an excellent sales/marketing team in place. In your case that’s you.
We were set for sales success on each and every call and you need to be too. Now, go sell something…it’s showtime.