Closing a deal should be easy for you and feel easy for the prospect. Nobody enjoys the car salesperson pushing hard for the deal right now or the time-share person warning that the price could go up at any time.
Most times a simple yes-yes question does the trick.
- Would you like both the screwdriver and nutdriver set today?
- I have a new one on the truck, should I get it for you?
- Which color will your new storage system be, red or green?
Also, not to be rude, but when you ask for the order, shut up! Give your prospect time to think, time to process your offer, and time to say yes. And for goodness sake, don’t get nervous, break the silence, and offer some discount for them to go with it now. In most cases, they were going to say yes and you just gave up 5-10 percent of your revenue for nothing. The first one to speak loses.
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