One of Mac Tools distributor Carrie Lake's keys to success is keeping a strong work-life balance.
“My theory is that I park the truck for the day and before I get out of it, I’m done,” Lake explains. “I do whatever paperwork I have to do to close out my day, and I’m done. When I’m home, I have my son’s full attention.”
Lake says the key to staying refreshed is to take time off when it’s needed, something she’s had to learn along the way. As a distributor, Lake acknowledges how hard it can be take a break because it’s such a “big orchestrated plan” when it’s needed. But, it’s necessary.
“If you’re starting to feel burnt out, take that time or you’re not going to make it,” Lake advises other distributors. “You’re going to hate your life, you’re going to hate your job.”
Keeping a separate work and home life - and taking the occasional break - can help a distributor continue to enjoy, and excel, at their job.