The 3M Wheel Weight System was designed to have less impact on the environment than the
industry-standard lead wheel weights. The 3M system incorporates a unique, flexible and conformable
material available in an easy-to-use, self-dispensing package with a dispensing stand and
cutting device. The wheel weight product is designed to be cut easily to length to meet precise
wheel balancing requirements, and is attached via 3M Acrylic Foam Tape adhesive. The 3M Wheel
Weight System is supplied by NAPA.
Mike Steptoe, owner of Reliable Auto in Fort Atkinson, Wis.,
used the 3M Wheel Weight System in his shop for several weeks.
"It works really slick," Mike
said. "It's easy, it cuts nice. It's
also nice that you don't necessarily have to use two weights like we sometimes do to
make it work, and dial in exactly which one.
"The weights work really well."
Mike detailed the set-up and prep routine as
the only complex features, but easily remedied.
"The only tricky part was getting the
information on how to clean and prep everything — but
I found that a good place to get that information was online.
"The clean and prep wasn't
too bad for the most part, it just depends on what kind of shape the rims are in more than
anything — some of them get filled up with
grease from greasing the suspension … that's going to be a little tricky.
mostly just using the right chemicals and not leaving a residue behind … so
[the weight] sticks really nice.
"The other tricky thing is watching sometimes the
placement of the weight. We had one that when it spun on the car, it hit the caliper and
we had to reposition the weight. But, of course, you're not going to have this with
all cars."
Overall, Mike was satisfied with the 3M Wheel Weight System and sees it
as a viable, profitable alternative with wheel service and balancing.
"[The 3M system]
will save you time once you get used to it, and it's really going
to save us money in the long run. With the price of lead going through the sky, purchasing
the alternative is going to save you big money."
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