Autel Energy Makes Debut at Detroit Auto Show

Sept. 19, 2022

Autel Energy - Autel’s U.S. brand of electric vehicles -  made its global debut at the North American International Detroit Auto Show Sept. 14 in a presentation given by  John Thomas, COO of Autel, that showcased Autel's line of electric vehicle chargers. 

Autel Energy - Autel’s U.S. brand of electric vehicles -  made its global debut at the North American International Detroit Auto Show Sept. 14 in a presentation given by  John Thomas, COO of Autel, that showcased Autel's line of electric vehicle chargers. 

Among the products Thomas introduced at Autel's booth were Level 2 home and commercial chargers, DC bidirectional vehicle-to-everything charging (V2X), DC fast charging (Level 3) and digital energy management solutions.

"We believe our highly engineered MaxiCharger Family of tailored solutions fills the gaps and addresses every (application) imaginable, helping to propel the EV industry forward," says Thomas.

 The 20-minute presentation, which was given before an audience of media and industry representatives, was live streamed on multiple platforms.

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