ATSS electrical diagnostics training class open for registration

June 19, 2019
Instructor Mike Cleary will conduct the training courses for technicians.

Automotive Technical Support Services (ATSS) will hold two training events on the electrical diagnosis, in Hartford, Conn., and Columbus, Ohio.  The training, titled Electrical Diagnosis: What you didn’t learn in school, will be led by instructor Mike Cleary. 

This class applies to all manufacturer’s vehicles: gasoline, diesel, hybrid, and/or electric. The Connecticut event will be held July 13, and the Ohio event will be held July 19-20. 

The class is about helping technicians become proficient at electrical diagnostics. Whether an apprentice technician looking to become more proficient in electrical diagnostics, or a seasoned veteran who would like a refresher and to learn new information, this course is for technicians of all experience levels. Attendees will learn the skills necessary to become more efficient and profitable when performing electrical diagnostics work, learning these skills hands-on from a working automobile technician.
Topics covered:
  • What really goes on inside the multi-meter and how it applies to diagnosis
  • Breaking down wiring diagrams into their simplest components, thereby facilitating diagnosis
  • Why fuses don’t blow
  • Why Kirchhoff’s Laws apply more to diagnosis than Ohm’s Law
  • What the “real world” voltage drop specs are
  • Piezo actuator theory and operation
  • Electrical circuits and their components
  • Common diagnostic mistakes and how to avoid them
  • What a negative resistance value really means
  • How Hall Effect sensors really work, and how to properly diagnose them
  • Analysis of real-world diagnostic dilemmas (case studies)
There is a discount for those registered by July 1.
Visit for pricing, times, locations, registration, and further information.

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